With my first child I had a perineal tear that was a third (almost fourth) degree laceration. I also had placenta accreta (my placenta had an abnormally deep attachme...
So I went in for my 29 week ultrasound to check and see if my placenta previa had corrected itself and the good news was that it has moved totally out of the way, put...
I am pregnant now with my second child. My first is 19 months now and was delivered vaginally with no complications. I just went for a level 2 ultrasound and the ultr...
I am a 40 1/2 year old, married 10 years, and we have one girl who is now 7. I had complications during my pregnancy with plecenta previa. I gave birth 5 wks early an...
We have a beautiful, healthy 21 month old son who I delivered 6 weeks early due to several pregnancy complications and a marginal abruption (the placenta was detachin...
I am 26 weeks pregnant with my second baby. I went for an ultrasound to rule out placenta previa because I was having brown spotting. I was told my placenta position ...
ok, need to have this baby before my doc leaves town for a conference next week. He is solo in his practice and the only one in my county that even entertains the id...
I am starting my second trimester and have placenta previa~need to keep moving but cannot do my usually in home videos due to the bouncing on a hard surface. Doctor ...
Hi all. I have had four c-sections. My youngest son (8-2004) and my baby girl (7-05) are 11 months apart. I got pregnant with her when my son was barely 3 months old....
My son is now 2 1/2, and he talks like an 18 month old. He was not born premature, I carried to full term and had a very healthy pregnancy and delivery. We are seeing...