Overstimulated: Infant, SwaddleMe

3 articles

How Long Can I Swaddle My Baby for Sleeping?

J.G. asks from Spartanburg

From the day my son came home from the hospital, I've been swaddling him. I use a particular kind that velcros so he can't wiggle out of it. It's been a God-send be...


Need Advice on How to Get My Daughter to Sleep Somewhere Other than My Bed :(

A.M. asks from Hickory

My daughter is 9 weeks old...from the time she came home from the hospital, she has refused to sleep in her bassinet or crib. My husband and I have tried every sleep ...


Swaddle Vs. No Swaddle

L.L. asks from Dallas

I have a 3 1/2 month old that we are still swaddling during naps and nighttime. She sleeps great if she stays in the swaddle but if she breaks free, which happens a ...