My son's girlfriend invited him to go over her house when she is alone. She said her mom allow her to invite him and be alone woth him at her home she also said that...
Hi my stepdaughter turns 16 soon & she wants to go on s date with a senior but he’s 18. We did meet him & had him come over to watch a game but my husband thinks sh...
My oldest daughter is now 17, she has had many boyfriends but she hasn't done anything questionable until now. She is curently in a relationship that has lasted almos...
Growing up, I really had two dreams about what to do with my life: Become a writer (either a journalist or a novelist), and raise a big family. As a child, I wrote m...
Okay so we are thinking of concieving again on july 4. But i have gotten started on the pill. If i have affects of the pill in my system, will it hurt my chances of c...
My daughter just turned 16 in January. Last her father and I agreed that she could stay with him in Colorado for one year. Her father and I have been divorced since 1...
I have had the Mirena IUD for 3 1/2 years. I recently was doing some research on it, and have found there are SEVERAL other women suffering from some of the same thi... jan 6th i had my period..... Jan 18 i had sex with my bf and he came in me..... Jan 23 i started my period again,,,at first i thought it was ovulation bleedi...
I am a single parent with a 16 yr old daughter who used to lived with her mom, but for the last 2 yrs she has been living with me. She is hanging out with a guy from...
I was curious, my daughter is 19 months old & I am still nursing. My question is that I still have gotten my period, is this normal? All nursing moms I know got their...