I like the three in one type of coat for my DD. I can use the pieces alone when it is warmer or when I need to put her in the car seat without it being too bulky for ...
I bought my daughter her first backpack and lunch box this year. Now that it is getting to the end of the year both are still in good structural shape but both are ...
So, I've taught elementary, but now I'm sending my oldest to K this year. (exhale)
It is a full day, so she will have lunch there. I know I need to label everythi...
I know this question came up in the past but I am looking for more recent advice.
My daughter will be starting 4th grade and we are looking into getting her a rollin...
I am a single mom that has a couple of weeks off while my 14 yr old drama queen is at her grandparents. Love her, but if you have a teenage daughter, you understand ...
So as my son is outgrowing his 9 month clothes I go on the hunt for 12 month.No big deal til I get to the pajamas. It seems like such a strange size differance.The 12...
I'm wondering what type of winter gear to get my 7-month-old son for this winter. I have one of those "bundle me" fleece things for the carseat so when he's in there ...
I am looking to buy a winter jacket and snowpants for my DS this winter. Any recommendations on brands or stores to shop at would be appreciated. Thank you!
Do your kids have their own luggage set? I am finding the more we travel, it would be nice for each kid to have their own set. We are doing the cruise for Christmas, ...