Today i took my four year old daughter shopping for a helmet for her new bike. i stopped at a few places before heading to the bike shop. She refused to walk the same...
Hi- My 5 year old has always been pretty strong-willed; she is pretty dramatic about most things. If she does something that she knows is naughty, even just a tiny b...
i am having trouble with my 11 year old daughter. she wants so bad to be accepted by her peers at school that she has started to act like they do so she will be accep...
Oh man, my little five-year old daughter has really hurt my feelings. We have a neighbor who absolutely adores my daughter. She gives my little girl treats and hugs...
My 14 yr old daughter is "in love" with a classmate, also 14. He has given her a ring, and they have talked about getting married. They both see emotionally involved....
My son is almost 4 and I've noticed a pretty significant change in his behavior and I'm wondering if anyone else can relate to these changes in their children at arou...
I let my daughter have a so called boyfriend, what could it hurt in this situation, he goes to another school, and they hardly ever see each other. They would write e...
Is there anyone out there with middle school girls? How do you handle crushes? There seems to be a "need" to have a boyfriend. My daughter is about the only one not a...
my son has really gave me a run for my money he stays in trouble at school at home. i dont believe a word he says anymore. he has been taking so much out ofmy bedroom...
My stepson (17)has bombed eveyyclass is now getting help has not had the best behavior or motivation to get things done, chores, homework had over a month to turn thi...