My 8 month old son barely fits in his infant car seat anymore he is very long. Measured 22 inches when he was born. He needs a new car seat but, I think he still ne...
Hey there Mamas!! I have a question for ya'll. My son, who is now pretty close to 8 months, seems to be getting too tall for his infant seat. His feet hang out the en...
I've been researching on the different brands of convertiable carseats and the only thing I have found it that there are as many pros as there are cons. Looking for ...
Hi Moms,
My daughter is 3 and in need of a booster seat. Now that she has to wear a coat I can barely strap her into her car seat. Please tell me the brand of car ...
my husband and I are avid out door people...though it's been a while since I have been out fishing or golfing with my hisband since we had our child now over a liittl...
My daughter is growing out of her first car seat which will accomodate her up to 29 inches long. She is 16lbs and 27 1/2 inches long, so she is long and skinny. The d...
Will be travelling for the first time with our 4 year old, 3 year old and 14 month old (ages at time of travel) this summer. Will be taking a plane flight and then re...
Crazy I know... Anyway, I have a 12 month old who is 20 lbs and 29 inches long. Her Graco Safeseat goes up to 30 lbs but only 30 inches so time to start looking. S...