Illnesses: Pampers

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11 answers

Pampers - Dry Max Vs. Baby Dry??

We are looking for a new brand of diapers as Target brand hasn't been working out for us all of a sudden. Does anyone know what the difference is between Pampers Dry Max and Pampers Baby Dry? I recall hearing some bad things about Dry Max, did that mess get cleared up or are they still a problem? Thanks for any info!


Mentally Ill Father

To make a very long story short, the father of my 5 month old daughter has a...


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15 answers

Pampers VS. LUVS

Hello Moms, So I normally am a "Huggies ONLY" mom, I've tried every brand out there, including MANY store brands and always go back to Huggies. I have found a website offering great prices on their diapers, but only have Pampers & LUVS available in my sons sizes. I know Pampers are designed for the more slimmer babies and Huggies for the more round which is why I tend to use only Huggies on my kids, they've never been slim babies. So anyhow, I've used LUVS in the past, not CRAZY for them but don't think their horrible but I haven't...


Pampers Easy Ups

Hi Moms, I was wondering if any of you have experienced what I'm currently...


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35 answers

Please Help! 21-Month Old with Bloody Diaper Rash and Constipation

Please help! My son has been constipated for the last week with BMs the consistency of thick peanut-butter. He can't seem to get one big poop out but instead he's been straining and getting small amounts out at a time. This has made his bum incredibly raw and now it has started to bleed in places. There's no blood in the stool, just on his cheeks. We've tried prune juice and flax for the constipation and all sorts of diapers creams & sprays to help the rash. When it seemed like it would be better to not have moisture on his bum, we...


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13 answers

Diaper Rash & Pampers

My twins got their 1yr shots on thursday, along with a flu shot. They both had diarrhea from friday thru yesterday ( which I was expecting it happened at 6months when they got their shots & the flu shot) the diarrhea caused diaper rash.. specifically a yeast infection in both of them. Their ped. gave us a cream to put on them 4-5 times a day. My son is no longer red or irritated, my daughter on the other hand is bright red. We currently have a box of pampers. I have heard that some babies have had reactions to pampers. We have alaways used...


Pampers Dry Max

Is anyone else having rash issues with the Pampers dry max? I am 8 mnths...