Illnesses & Symptoms: Infant, Pampers

4 answers

Did Anyone Travel to India with Small Kids?

My kids are 16 months and 3. We will travel to East India to a small city called Bokaro Steel City in Bihar. We will go for 22 days. I'm worried that the bottled water won't be from a clean source. Since going there will be 2 to 3 days I will need to give them bottled water. Do you have any suggestions?


10 Yr Old Bedwetting

My 10 yr old daughter wets the bed at night. She has never had a dry night...


Constant Runny Nose

Hi momma's since starting preschool my DS constantly has a runny nose every...


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21 answers

Parent's Choice Vs. Pampers

Whats the difference, other than price? I've always bought Pampers, I guess just because I felt like buying the most expensive diapers was the equivalent of giving my daughter the best, which in turn made me the best mom. But, I bought Parent's Choice this time, because I felt like being a little more practical about this. I mean, there was one diaper that was missing a "latchy thing" on the side, but for almost $10 cheaper, that's ok. I mean, I wasn't really happy with Pampers anyway. They kept busting open and making huge messes with...


Pampers Easy Ups

Hi Moms, I was wondering if any of you have experienced what I'm currently...


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13 answers

Diaper Rash & Pampers

My twins got their 1yr shots on thursday, along with a flu shot. They both had diarrhea from friday thru yesterday ( which I was expecting it happened at 6months when they got their shots & the flu shot) the diarrhea caused diaper rash.. specifically a yeast infection in both of them. Their ped. gave us a cream to put on them 4-5 times a day. My son is no longer red or irritated, my daughter on the other hand is bright red. We currently have a box of pampers. I have heard that some babies have had reactions to pampers. We have alaways used...


Pampers Dry Max

Is anyone else having rash issues with the Pampers dry max? I am 8 mnths...


Is It Eczema?

My 7 month old has been having these dry, rough pinkish places come up like...


Baby with Hives?

Hi. My 5-month-old baby seems to keep getting what looks like Hives. I...