Hobbies: Hydrocortisone

Results 31-40 from 90 articles

Rash from Drool?

E.W. asks from Dallas

My sweet 5 1/2 month old son has a horrible rash under his chin and upper chest from drooling. I have tried keeping a bib on him, changing his clothes, putting vasoli...


OMG Please Tell Me Someone Has a Solution (Itchy Preggo Belly)

S.F. asks from Utica

I am 34 weeks pregnant with my second baby and I am going nuts with how ITCHY my stomach is. I know that no amount of cream can/will prevent stretch marks and I am o...


Natural Remedies for Excema

J.B. asks from Grand Junction

My 8 month old has excema on his cheeks and one arm. I have been using aquafor but the dr just gave me a hyrocortizone precription. I just statred usuing candula to...



S.N. asks from Los Angeles

do you know of anything I can give me 7 month old for this. doctors have given me all kinds of medicine and nothing seems to work. My daughters skin peels and then i...


Help for Friend Whose Son Has Eczema

S.S. asks from Provo

Hi! Any of you moms with small children with eczema??? My Friend needs to try something new for her 3 year old son who was using Aveeno for a while with success, bu...


Eczema Relief Ideas Needed!

M.M. asks from Cedar Rapids

My son has terrible eczema on his knees, butt, ankles, and elbows. I've used Aquaphilic and Eucerin lotions, and use Vaseline to comfort the itch! Any other ideas! ...


Chicken Skin

M.O. asks from Denver

My 18mo. old developed a rash about 2 weeks ago. Her doctor diagnosed it as Excema. The rash developed over a period of 3 hours and eventually covered her entire tr...


Elidel Prescription/excema

J.D. asks from Grand Rapids

Hi Moms! I took my 3 year old son to the pediatrician last week for his well-child check-up. He has had excema since he was about 6 weeks old. The doctor gave him ...


Tired and Really Frustrated with Hubby

A.F. asks from Fayetteville

I am so tired and on some heavy pain meds. I haven't taken them in a few days as you all know I have my 2 month old son to look after. Well tonight my hip and back ar...


New Food Allergy at 2 1/2

B.H. asks from Seattle

My son is almost 2 1/2 and in the past 6 weeks he has developed a new rash (that never goes away will fade a little) around his mouth, Im assuming its his exzema re...