Im in the market to purchase a bike trailer for a toddler and 8 month old. I have heard positive things about the Burleys but they are a lot more expensive than other...
Our son is nearing two and my husband and I are itching to get back on our bikes this summer, which means we are looking into getting a bike trailer. Given the expen...
I'm looking to purchase a single jogging stroller - not to fancy, but sturdy, folds easy, etc. Looking for brands/models that you like, hopefully under $200, but wou...
I'm asking for a bike trailer for my upcoming birthday. I'd like to get one for two little ones, and was wondering which ones are best? Please let me know which one...
Hi ladies,
I ws wondering if any of you are using or have used those bike trailer things...that you pull behind your bike, to hold your little ones?!?!
If so, w...
My 7 son is adverse to trying any kind of activity. I didn't want to force him into too many activities too young and now he won't try any. He is not over scheduled a...
Anyone have any recommendations on a good (not way expensive) jogging stroller? I'm looking for one with a swivel wheel and good size basket underneath (or decent st...
I kind of wanted to get the 2 seater bike trailers that I see everyone riding around with, but I want to get one (if at all possible) that is convertible into a doubl...
I am looking to purchase a double jogging stroller for my 2 1/2 yr old (35 inches and 31 lbs)and 2 month old within the next few weeks. I would love to hear what dou...
I am going to have an infant soon and my daughter will be too young for the sit and stand double stroller. Does anyone have any advice on what type of double strolle...