Groups & Teams: Toddler, Arms Reach

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20 answers

Swimming for 32 Months Old..

Hi everyone, My daughter is 32 months and loves water,i took her to kids pool last year but she always wanted to go in the bigger one:))..i need help here...what shud i get for her ..i mean what kind of floating device shud i get so that she can enjoy the water and be safe..someone suggested those arm floats and i searched online i didn't get good reviews for it....i want something which helps her in learning swimming and makes her confident in water. i know i will get so many valuable suggestion here based on personal experience.she is...


My Child Has...

walking pneuomia, now what? My daughter is 2 years old. Lately she was...


Best Mini Van

Hi Moms! I was just in a bad wreck on Sunday. Some 18 yr old punk with...

Swim Lessons

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