Front Teeth: The First Years

Results 161-170 from 239 articles

13 Month Old Won't Eat Solid Food! HELP!!!!!

C.T. asks from Jacksonville

Hi, I am having a huge problem with getting my gorgeous 13 month old daughter to eat solid food. I have tried name it! She has no interest in it. I...


Help Please Im Going Insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

S.P. asks from Seattle

my son just turned 4 months old and for the past 2 weeks he has been crying uncontrollably(not normal). he eats and eats and eats and eats cuz that seems to be the on...


My 13 Month Old Is Picky, picky...picky!

M.S. asks from Portland

My 13 month old little guy is ALL boy, except for his eating habits. Ever since he's realized he can eat what mommy is eating (to a point), that is all he wants. Bu...


My 12 Mo Old Will Not Drink Regular Milk or Soy-

R.S. asks from Phoenix

I need some advice...My 12 mo old was breastfed up until now and refuses to drink regular & soy milk. Everytime I offer it, he takes a sip and spits it out all over....


New Dog

C. asks from Chicago

Hi, Well we just lost our 8 year old beagle just over two weeks ago due to a illness and we got a call Thursday from my brother who is looking for a new home for t...


Any Advice for Dealing with Reflux????

J.H. asks from Cleveland

My daughter is 5 1/2 weeks old and has reflux. The doctor recommended sitting her up after feedings and burping her more often throughout feedings to keep the formul...


Happy, Healthy 4M Girl but Very Demanding and fussy-Need Help

T.W. asks from Panama City

Hey ladies I need help desperately. I am a stay at mom of 2 (boy 23m and girl 4m) full time student, have my own business as well as am the recreation director for my...


Terrible Two's ..... HELP!

J.K. asks from Dallas

I know that I had to expect this at some point, but at 2 1/2 (almost to the day) my son has suddenly turned into the child you have nightmares about!!!! He is havin...


Demanding Respect and Not Giving Any in Return

T.H. asks from Norfolk

one of the first memories i have of this woman was of her "telling" me that from then on i would call her Mrs Audrey or Mrs Holmes. i was taken aback and felt like i...


Screaming Baby When Breastfeeding

E.M. asks from Boston

Hello, My son is almost 4 months old now and has been very colicky from the start where he would just cry and scream for 4 hours straight at night. That has gotten...