Feeding Accessories: Toddler, Miracle Blanket

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15 answers

Frequent Waking in 4-Month-Old Baby

Hello! My daughter just turned four months old and is waking several times throughout the night (anywhere from a few times to almost hourly). She was like this as an infant until we bought the Miracle Blanket swaddler. She then began sleeping through the night (10-hour stretches!). I've read that most babies should be weaned from swaddling around 3 to 4 months, so we stopped swaddling her, and she just does not sleep well without it. When she wakes, I give her her binky, and she'll fall back to sleep until the next waking. I do not...

Nursing Pillow

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6 answers

Nursing Mom Trying to Get Baby in His Own Bed!

I have a newborn well he is almost two months and I am nursing him. For his naps I can get him into his bassinet, but at night trying to get him to go to sleep in it is hard. I try to nurse him, and put in. He will fall asleep but only to wake up 15 min later. So I get in to my bed nurse him and fall asleep togther. Sometimes I get him in but when he wakes up at two or three o'clock I nurse him and we fall asleep in my bed for the rest of the night. I would really like some help because I don't want him in my bed until he is ten hahahah. I...


My 2 Month Old

My 2 month old wont sleep anywhere except in our recliner with me. We bought...