Feeding Accessories: Miracle Blanket

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77 answers

Feeding Baby a Little Cereal

Hello everyone, this is my first time writing a question or looking for some advice. My 5 week old DOES NOT sleep at all through the night. My husband and I are up every hour to 2 hours mainly doing feedings for him. I know that he has his nights and days probably screwed up, but it is the feedings that are driving me nuts. I breast pump and bottle (he wasn't latching at all) and we were told if we give him formula his last few night feedings that will keep him from being up every hour or two because it will fill up his stomach. Now I...


What Do I Need??

Hi all, I'm a first time mom to be, expecting a baby boy in 5 weeks and...

Nursing Pillow

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6 answers

Nursing Mom Trying to Get Baby in His Own Bed!

I have a newborn well he is almost two months and I am nursing him. For his naps I can get him into his bassinet, but at night trying to get him to go to sleep in it is hard. I try to nurse him, and put in. He will fall asleep but only to wake up 15 min later. So I get in to my bed nurse him and fall asleep togther. Sometimes I get him in but when he wakes up at two or three o'clock I nurse him and we fall asleep in my bed for the rest of the night. I would really like some help because I don't want him in my bed until he is ten hahahah. I...


My Baby Has Colic

Hey guys, I have a 5 week old with colic. I am breastfeeding him, and have...