Family Law: Toddler, Teddy Bears

Results 1-10 from 46 articles

Present for Mother in Law..

B.Z. asks from Houston

Hello, ladies.... I have no ideas what to give as a present for my mother in law. She will be 56 years. She is in other country, so gift cards would not work. Also...


Gift for Expecting Sister-in-law

N.M. asks from Omaha

When I found out that I was pregnant my sister-in-law got a build a bear with a girl outfit and a boy outfit. My sister-in-law just found out that she is pregnant an...


Planning My Son's First Birthday- Help Needed!!

J.C. asks from Knoxville

My son is turning one in July and I am trying to come up with some good ideas. I'd like to get him a t shirt or something that says he's one and send out nice invitat...


My 2 Month Old

A.B. asks from Springfield

My 2 month old wont sleep anywhere except in our recliner with me. We bought her a swing thinking that would help. I'll get her to sleep and put her in her swing and ...


Christmas Gifts for a 4 Month Old?

A.A. asks from Washington DC

Hello Ladies, I am a single mother of a 4 month old boy. This obviously will be his first christmas, however, he will not understand the concept. Even though he wi...


Help Stop Breatst Feeding and Get 8 Month Out of the Bed!

L.T. asks from Norfolk

Love my baby girl and have no problem leting her sleep in our bed. My man has not complained at all. But I know he is not really happy with it. It is just that I can ...


How to Tell Two Young Children About a Death in the Family

A.N. asks from Portland

I have two step children ages 3 & 4. Yesterday, their great grandfather passed away and we are not sure what to tell them or if they are too young to go to the service.


My Parents Criticize My Daughter's Appearance

N.D. asks from Chicago

My mom mentioned the other day that I don't dress my daughter well when we go out. She says her hair is messy at times (how can I tell a toddler to stop messing her h...


My Toddler Is Having Sleep Problems Due to Nightmares

N.L. asks from Washington DC

I need some suggestions on how to deal with my daughter's nightmares. She is 2 1/2 yo and started to have nightmares about 2 weeks ago. She also has developed a fea...


What Should I Do If a Parent Asks Us NOT to Bring a Birthday Present?

L.S. asks from Providence

My sister has asked me not to bring a gift for my soon to be 2 year old nephew. I will feel bad if I do not bring anything for him. Do I just respect her wishes...