I'm ready to switch my 10 month old from the infant seat to the convertible car seat, but I need a seat for my 4 year old. She is 39inches, 33lbs. Any good recommen...
Hello Ladies,
I want your opinion...I have a 3 year old and an almost 1 year old (well he turns 1 next week) and I'm trying to decide what to do w/the car seats. My ...
My friend down the street is getting divorced. Her daughter and mine play together nearly every afternoon (her dd is 4 years, mine is 3). Both of the parents have m...
I have a VERY spirited 3 year old boy. He's defiant. He's independent. He's often cranky. All the things that many three year olds are - I'm not concerned about h...
For about 4 months my 3 year old son has been very attracted to the Disney princessess and any other princess-like characters. When he has the opportunity he likes t...
I had a miscarriage this summer, and the due date is coming up in a month. I was 19 weeks and 6 days pregnant, it was a hard because my 4 year old still asks about hi...
I have a 4 year old son who is an only child. I recently found out that I am about 6 weeks pregnant and I have no idea on how to prepare my son for the changes to co...
My 4 year old's pediatrician gave a referral to have my daughter's fine motor skills evaluated by an OT. She has low muscle tone and has a history of getting PT for ...
Hi my son has been at Challenger school in Cambrian - since he was 3. He just turned 4 and I got a phone call last night to call the school. I was informed today th...
I am looking for help on how to help my son deal with the fact that mommy has to be gone a lot right now due to paramedic school. He is becoming withdrawn and doesn't...