Diets & Exercise: Aquaphor

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8 answers

Breastfeeding a Baby with eczema...what Did You Cut from Your Diet That Helped?

We just discovered my 7 week old has eczema. The pediatrician told us; I did not diagnose myself. She's had some little white pimples since she was born and I expected they'd go away after a month or so. Instead, she developed tiny red dots and teeny little bumps over most of her face, neck and scalp. The doc took one look at her and said it was eczema. So we're following all the standard recs: mild cortisone cream, Cetaphil for baths, moisturizer everywhere, etc. She wears cloth diapers which I wash in "free" detergent, and I'm...


Do You Exercise?

Why or why not? If you do exercise, what do you do? If you don't...


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75 answers

At a Loss and Need Advice!!

I'm at a loss with my DS who's 8 1/2 months old and I'll try to make this brief yet descriptive. When he was about 4 months old he started to have signs of eczema - went to the doctor and got some prescriptions and also went to a dermatologist which again gave him a prescriptions - mainly to dry up the eczema (bloody/scabs) and to help the itching. He was given Derma-smoothe to help dry up eczema and Hydroxyzine to help the itching (this is an oral medication). Both seemed to help for a while... We've started him on more solid foods and...


Help for Eczema??

My daughter is 2-yrs-old and has horrible eczema! We have tried everything...