Diapers: Toddler, Aquaphor

Results 41-50 from 535 articles

My 20 Month Old Has Diarrhea for 4 Days Now, and Loss of Appetite!!! Help!!!

J.G. asks from Reno

Okay so Rylin had a very slight fever about 4 days ago,and she wouldnt eat. In the middle of the night,she woke up throwing up. She was throwing up for about 2 days,p...


1 Year Old in Pain (Bowel Movements & Rash)

S.G. asks from Harrisburg

Hi Moms, My 1 year old has been adjusting to regular whole milk now and no formula .. All o a sudden, he has been having diarreha constantly and ha...


My 2 Year Old Has Extremely Dry Skin, Any Recommendations on a Good Lotion?

R.W. asks from Jacksonville

Hello, My 2 year old has started getting dry patches all over, especially on his behind. He scratches so hard he draws blood. If I see him I always stop him, but he ...


Problem W/9 Month Old Daughter's Diaper Rash

M.M. asks from Norfolk

My baby girl has a diaper rash that appears in red blister looking lesions and has been like this for about a week. I have tried regular diaper rash cream (several d...


11 Month Old Pooping Too Much!

J.W. asks from New York

Help! My daughter, who will be 11 months old next week, has been pooping like crazy for about 4 days now. She will have about 6 - 7 BM's a day, each one filling her d...


My 6 Month Old Son Skin Is Soooooo Sensitive!!

K.C. asks from Washington DC

What do you think about going all organic skin, food and everything?? He does suffers from eczema. But I have changed his milk the first few months. He is currently o...


18 Month Old with Painful (Burning?) Poops - Not Constipated

K.S. asks from San Francisco

I have an 18-month old son who for the past week has been screaming every time he poops. He's not constipated and doesn't have trouble passing the stool (they are sof...


Crib Drool Puddle Ideas for Teething 6 Month Old

J.C. asks from Denver

my 6 month old son is teething and when he sleeps (on his tummy - which dr says is fine- he rolls) he drools huge wet spots on his crib sheet. I have a waterproof clo...


Strange Rash on My 11 Month Old

M.M. asks from San Francisco

Hi Ladies! You have always been helpful in the past, so thank you up front for your help again. My son is 11 months old and has developed this strange rash on his tor...


Super Dry Skin in 6 Month Old

K.C. asks from Denver

My son has such dry skin. The last couple of days I have put on coconut oil and Eucerin lotion a few times a day and he just soaks it up. He is breastfed and drinks e...