Wondering if anyone has some tricks for keeping a busy baby occupied for a 4 hour flight? Part of the flight is during his morning nap time, so I'm hoping I'll get a...
I just have no idea what I really truly need for my 4-month old. I would like to be somewhat prepared for what is ahead. Any ideas of what items really came in hand...
My daughter is going to be 2 in Novemeber, and we are going to get her a few toys as part of her birthday (like she doesn't have enough already, but you kn...
We will be flying soon and i am looking for suggestion on how to entertain my son on the flight and what to do for his ears during take off and landing.
We are flying across the country at the end of this month with our 4-month old daughter and are looking for any advice or tips you may have. Any must-haves for the ca...
My son turns 1 tommrow 10/20/06 he has speical needs such as he doesn't sit up he can't crawl or walk or reach for toys but through therapy he is getting better. Las...
Does anyone have any good ideas for stocking stuffers for a 9 month old? I know he won't remember it and all, but I want to do something since I am for my older chil...
My toddler had finally got to where he wants to play in his bedroom. But he never wants to play by himself. He always wants mommy and sometimes daddy to go play wit...
I'm going to be flying with my daughter for the first time and am looking for advice on how to keep her occupied. The flight will be 2 hours with 1 hour layover then...
So I have a sister in law that has a son(71/2mo) just two months older then my daughter and she is having him watch dvd's to teach him to read and showing him flash c...