Anyone ever have an article of clothing get stained after your child has gone down one of those old aluminum slides at the playground? If so and you were successful ...
Help! I have to continually use vaseline on my girls and have gotten a big splotch right on the front of a brand new cotton shirt! I soaked it with oxy-clean and wash...
Hi there, We just got back from a trip and the next day I went out to the car to get something and all I can smell is sour milk. It is terrible. I think what happened...
Right now I use Shout spray for general grimminess but I need something good and not too pricey for: spaghetti sauce, watermelon juice, chocolate, grass and mud....yo...
We're renting and I have a 6 year old. I'd like to attack spots as they occur and defeat them if I miss them when they happen. Any recommendations? Thanks!
I have been using this spray woolite cleaner on the carpet when our new puppy gets away from us and pees on the carpet. I think this product is bleaching the carpet b...
Help! My miniature schnauzer is getting so old he often relieves himself on my off white carpet. It is now off yellow all over from many "accidents". We try to tak...
So we were dealing with some stomach sickness over the weekend, and we are having a very hard time getting the vomit smell out of our carpet. My husband and I have u...
We're just about to begin serious potty-training, so I'm expecting a few accidents. What should I have on hand to get urine out of the carpet? Any hints on cleaning...