Bronchitis: Toddler, Albuterol

Results 181-190 from 269 articles

Asthma? in 4 Year Old

D.M. asks from Denver

Audrey S.'s question got me thinking... My son's dr. said she's not ready to diagnose him with asthma, but he does show some signs. For those of you with kids with A...


Croup/Acid Reflux

J.E. asks from Los Angeles

My son is now on his third round of croup. We think he may have acid reflux since he has gotten croup this frequently and he coughs all the time and complains of his...


Should I Seek Second Opinion for Persistent Cough?

A.W. asks from Grand Rapids

Hi Moms, My daughter is 13 months old. It seemed like she had a constant cold from Sept - Jan with a short break in Dec. Her cold in January ended with an ear in...


Constant Coughing

W.B. asks from St. Joseph

My son is 13 months and has had a cough for the past 1 1/2 months. He has been to the doctor twice about the cough and they will not give him any medications. It is...



K.R. asks from Melbourne

Hello, My son is 31 months and he ALWAYS have this cough that comes and go. Last year he had several Upper Resp. Infection. Ever since they put him on a Nebulizer, ...


Dry Persistant Cough

J.M. asks from Boston

Hello mommies, My 17 month old has had this dry annoying sounding cough for the last 2 weeks. Everytime I have called her pediatrician I have been told the same t...


Coughing!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!

A. asks from Phoenix

My 3 year old son has a TERRIBLE cough! I am hoping that someone can suggest something to give him to help with his cough. I know most of the childrens cold medicat...



A.B. asks from Dallas

My son has croup. The doctor said since it is viral that it just has to run its course. Have any of you had experience with croup? How long does it take to get bet...


Treatment for Allergies and Mild Asthma

T.L. asks from Rochester

Hello Everyone. I really need some advice on what to do for my 6 year old son. First a little background: he was born with severe acid reflux and was on Zantac syru...



C.W. asks from Charlotte

My daughter (who's nine) has the worst cough that I have ever seen! I have tried all meds and honey, but nothing is working! My question is should I send her to sch...