I agree with Traci D.! Meeting your baby's needs as she expresses them is the best thing you can do for both of you! Six months is a HUGE time of transition for babies... major growth spurts (both physical, social and emotional... teeth!) come into play. Infants will often wake repeatedly during the night to "check in"with their Mama's! Please don't Ferberize her! Co-sleeping is the way many of us working Mom's have managed to meet the needs of our children and ourselves.
Contrary to popular belief, "needy" is GOOD for babies! They demand the care that they know they need to THRIVE. In fact, all of the major studies show that secure "attachment", or the "mother/baby dance" or "intuitive parenting" leads to healthy, well-balanced, independent children.
The task of any new parent is trusting the process... each baby "unfolds" at her own pace. Trust your "Mama gut" to know what is best for her--and it will most likely be different than what is best for other children in your life. Your babe is uniquely HERSELF, and should be treated as such!
I saw a lot of reference to calendar dates and clock times on your post... that stuff will drive you crazy! Stay in the moment, meet the need, and move on! No need to "check the clock" to see if it is an OK time for your baby to need you... am I making my point? :-)!
I guarantee that if you move more toward intuitive and instinctual parenting and stop "fighting" her on what she is asking for you will get into a nice rhythm with each other (with the occasional "hiccup").
Try the book: Our Babies Ourselves, How Biology and Culture Shape the Way We Parent by Meredith Small. Sounds deep... it's not. An easy read that gives you "permission" to follow your instincts. A fun read is: Let the Baby Drive (author?).
Best of luck Mama! Trust your baby... skip the paci if your breast is available... it is so much more than the transfer of nutrients...