Bronchitis: Toddler, Albuterol

Results 101-110 from 269 articles

Son with Asthma Has Persistent Croup Sounding Cough?

B.A. asks from Chicago

My son is 3 1/2 and was recently diagnosed with asthma and allergies (outdoor pollens). I have noticed over the past year whenever he comes down with a cold, it is ac...


Rad-lingering Cough After Cold

V.E. asks from Denver

Hello all. My son is 5 and was diagnosed with Reactive Airways Disease last year (a fancy term for asthma, they won't diagnose kids under 6). He had pneumonia right a...


Mom Looking for Advice Regarding Asthma or Bronchialitis

B.H. asks from Detroit

I've been wondering if my 3 year old son could have asthma. in August he was sick and he was coughing really bad and wheezing. I took him to emergency and was told t...


6 Mo Old with Asthma

F.M. asks from Kansas City

I was looking over the other questions, and read the one about the 1yo. Now, I have med names that I can evaluate, if it comes down to it. My son is on Albuterol, 3-4...


Need Help with Persistent Toddler Cough

K.H. asks from Johnson City

My 2 1/2 has had a horrible cough for over 3 weeks now. Her peditrician suggested Delsym first. We tried this and it did not touch the cough at all. The cough got wor...


4 Yr Old - Frequent Colds, Allergies, Nebulizer

S.K. asks from Punta Gorda

My 4 yr old daughter seems to get sick all the time. I know this is a common concern for parents with toddlers but I'm trying to determine whether this is normal, an...


Long Lasting Cough in My 4 Yr Old.

B.S. asks from Chicago

Back on Dec 7th, i took my son to the doc cuz he had a sore throat, turned out to be strep, and he also had an ear infection. About mid way through his antibiotic tr...


Need Advice on Giving Breathing Treatments

S.A. asks from Jonesboro

My son was diagnosed with bronchitis this week and the doctor wants me to give him breathing treatments. He is 14 months and wants NO part of the breathing machine. W...


Still Cant Grasp My 2Yr Old Son Has Asthma

A.S. asks from Reading

ever since he was 1 everytime he gets a cold which is every3 weeks it turns into asthma and the use of a nebulizer. he was on the daily steroid mist but the dr said ...


Just Found Out My Son Has Asthma

S.J. asks from Columbus

I just found out last month my 7 year old son has asthma. I don't know anyone who has asthma. The Dr. put him on Asmanex (once a day) and Xopenex (inhaler). I can han...