Your Views on Circumcision

Updated on March 30, 2008
A.C. asks from Dexter, MO
58 answers

I am having a boy in March(first time mom and very single)and I'm wanting to get him circumcised. any pointers? need to know if the benefits of having it done are worth the cost, and if any moms out there don't get it done

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So What Happened?

Well, thank you all for your input on this debate for me!!! I don't have insurance, and Medicaid no longer covers circumcision, and I've decided not to get it done. If there are too many problems later and his pediatrician recommends it, then I'll get it done, at least then they can use anethesia. But after extensive research and talking to people, it seems to be mostly cosmetic, and it's not my penis, so I'll let him decide how it should look. Thank you, everyone, once again for your advice!!! It was all helpful, especially the ones who added websites.

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answers from Tulsa on

I have two boys, one 11, and one 6. They are both circumcized. It is a lot cleaner, and easier for a boy to keep themselves clean if they are circumcized. It is also better for them as they get older. A lot of women prefer their men to be circumcized, and to do it when they are little is better, it would be really painful if they want to get it done when they get older. It is the norm.



answers from Fayetteville on

Hi, my name is K. M. and am the mother of 2 beautiful children. My son who was a preeme of 29 weeks, was small but a fighter. He stayed in the hospital for 2 months, and the day before we brought him home he was circumcised. My husband and I never thought twice about it. I was actually in the room when it was done, I was giving him sugar water with a pacificer which seemed to help. It was a great feeling being there with him and helping him with this fear. I have always heard about infection and so many other things that can happen when left un circumcised, I definatly recommend it. Good Luck! Enjoy that baby.



answers from Jonesboro on

Yes Defenatly the pros out weight the cons! When he gets older, and needing that privacy he may not wash it good and if it gets infected then he could have to have a circumscision at an older age, which would be more painful for him. At least if you do it while he is young then he won't remember and it will heal faster.

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answers from New Orleans on

We have two boys, a five year old and a nine month old. My husband and I did a lot of research before our oldest was born and we had to conclude that circumcision is just cosmetic surgery for infants. My husband's mother wasn't really given a choice back in the 60s but we had a choice. Neither of our boys is circumcised. There really is no compelling medical reason to have it done. Why torture an infant? Why torture yourself, having one more thing to worry over when you bring him home? Plus, sometimes accidents happen... This is one of the places I found when researching: I was amused to find that I still have it bookmarked. They have a good library of information. Here's an informative article from another site:
We have a strong opinion on the subject, but then again, a lot of people do still have their kids snipped and the kids usually get over it and grow up healthy and happy. Just read up on it and make your own decision.

Best wishes,

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answers from Lawton on

I have two boys who are both circumcised. Both were done with the ring clip so there was no complication and no issue with it.. it didn't even bother them. My brother was not circumcised. At the age of 18 he joined a church where he was told that it was 'unclean' not to be circumcised and insisted that my mother pay for the operation. It was extremely painful for him and cost quite a load of money, but he doesn't regret it now. Having had both, he says it's easier to maintain. It is a very personal decision and completely up to you in the end. Just know that not everyone does it for cosmetics. It may seem strange, but you might consult with your pastor as well. Hope this helps and congratualations on your new bundle of joy!



answers from Birmingham on

I have a 5 mo old boy and I did have hime circumcised. It keeps infection and bacteria away and they say that you should do it asap because when they are younger they don't remember it. Had a friend whose son had to wait until he was almost 5 for medical reasons and said it was horrible. Mine was covered under insurance. Do yu have insurance? If not, do you qualify for medicaid? Should be covered, I would check and see. My ob did the surgery on his 2nd day, he charged my insurance $300.00, ask your ob what he charges.



answers from Lake Charles on

I have 2 boys, 6 yrs and 8 months old. Neither were circumcised. We've had no problems so far, and I don't regret my decision. My husband was uncircumcised, has never had a problem with it, that was one of the reasons for my decision. The medical community is now saying that it is not medically necessary to do it, so it really is a personal choice. I have a nephew who is 12, my sister-in-law regrets getting his done. She just figured that everyone does. But whichever choice you make, be sure to let your nurses and pediatrician know.



answers from Shreveport on

I have two sons I didn't have my first son circumcised. When he was about 1 1\2 I had to have him circumcised because his skin wasn't pulling back like it should of been, they had to put him to sleep to do the surgery at that age and it was terrible!! I absolutely recommend having them circumcised when they are newborns, it is so much easier on them. My new baby was healed 24 hours later and now I know thats one less thing I have to worry about.. Good Luck!



answers from Tulsa on

My first question would be if you have insurance, as most plans go ahead and pay for this. My sister-in-law had a baby in Oklahoma and her state assistance would not, but it was still relatively affordable. There are always the benefits of cleanliness, as well as feeling similar to other males around him, expecially if there is exposure in the high school arena. Of course, there is always the option of waiting until it is more affordable and it can be done when he is older as an outpatient procedure - maybe even in the ER outpatient where there would be no surgery charges. My recommendation would be to get it over with when they are little, have no recollection of it and the pain is minimal. Best of luck.



answers from Oklahoma City on

Hi A.,
I have one son and am pregnant with another, due in June. After throughly researching circumcision, my husband and I decided against it. I encourage you to do some research on it. In my personal opinion, it is completely medically unnecessary and actually removes a very sensitive part of their body. We also felt like if it is something they decide to do later, than that can be their choice, I wouldn't want such an important part of my body removed for me! Also, the United States is one of the only countries that circumcises at the rate we do. In Europe it is more rare to actually be circumcised, and even here, more and more people are choosing not to circumcise after really researching and thinking about it. I know some people will disagree with me, but that is my opinion for what its worth!!! I hope you look into it yourself.



answers from Monroe on

Hello A. C,
I believe it is best to get your son circumcised while in the hospital. Not only is it medically better but if you care about it being the right thing to do it was done biblically to all the sons that were Jewish. It will be so much better for your son to have it done before you leave the hospital and it will heal in no time. Just make sure you clean it well and do what the dr. tells you to care for him and the circumcision. There are problems that can occur from not being circumsised and I am sure your dr. will be glad to answer any questions you may have concerning the procedure.
God Bless you and your Little One,
Ruth (was a single Mother @ 17 and now Mother of 5 grown Children)



answers from Oklahoma City on

There is of course the health issues every one talkes about. But from the view of my ex-boyfriend, he is a body builder and was never circumcised. He was confident out side the bathroom but skidish inside. He would not go to a public bathroom if any other person was in it. He never had any health problems or any thing else... Just the bathroom issues. When I had by sons it was an easy choice for me. My health insurance covered it as well. Good Luck.



answers from Jonesboro on

I have two boys, 4 and 4 mo. and they are both Circ. I believe many factors go into deciding, but I think long term has to be one of those. I have a friend who's father is not Circ. and he had 4 daughters who have all had sons. When those sons were born he went to each of the daughters and asked that they be Circ. b/c he wished he had been. She said it's caused him problems over the years and even considered as an adult having it done.

Another factor is where you live. Here where I live in the south, I know very few boys that are not Circ. In other area's of the country the opposite is true.

As far as the pain they experience, my 4 mo. old slept through the entire thing. And I agree about the bell procedure. Both of my boys were done with the plasti-bell and had no problems and it looks great.

And I think you're message was also concerned about the cost. Check with your insurance. Ours would have been around $550 with out it, but with it our cost was only $25 for the office visit. Some insurances will only pay if it's done in the hospital before discharge, others will only do it if it's done at the first drs office visit.

Good luck!



answers from Fayetteville on

This might be too late as you are/were due in March. I was very alone when I had my son. No one told me it was something you had to request. I did not have it done for my son. He is going to be 30 in August. He has never suffered from not having it done. That being said, there is a school of thought, and I mean from reputable sources, that female partners of men who are not circumcised have a higher risk of developing cervical cancer. I would ask my doctor for his opinion. My son said he never had any problems form not having had it done.



answers from Oklahoma City on

I have a boy and he is not circumcised and neither is my husband. My father and my brother are both circumcised and I have asked what the difference is and they just tell me they don't have the extra skin. There is no difference between having it done and not having it done. It comes down to what you want to do. There is a little extra care with the baby in the infant stage in the cleaning area. You have to make sure there is nothing in the forskin when you change his diaper. Don't be scared when you pull the skin back it does not hurt the baby. I hope this has helped. It all comes down to what you want to do. I remember to tell you child when he is older he not any different than any other boy out there.

God Bless
S. Jane



answers from Tulsa on

I'm a nurse and I had the same thoughts about my son and then remembered a couple that had to have it done in High School and that was terrible, very painful and at that age embarrassing. And as a nurse I've seen a lot more. So I decided to have mine circumcised due to the high risk of infection etc; and I didn't want to have him say later why didn't you and they look a lot different that the other boys.



answers from Mobile on

I have one son and had him circumcised. Wasn't much controversay then, you just did it. My older brother, now 54, was not circumcised and had it done later in life when he had a vasectomy. He is very glad he had it done. He would say it is worth it, and to do it when you are a baby. Hope that helps.



answers from Texarkana on

I did not have any of my three sons circumcised, and none of them (the youngest is 15) have ever had a problem. Do your homework, and look carefully at both sides of the issue. Talk to more people than your doctor, because personal biases can certainly be coming from there. Oh-- and my husband was NOT circumcised, either, as he was born at home (a long time ago!) His whole life, he's never had a problem.



answers from Alexandria on


I have a 2yr old boy and he is circumcised but I also came from and old fashion family where I have 6 brothers that are not. I also have lots of nephews that are not. The benfits are not much diff. I have only had 1 nephew that had to get it done when he was 13yrs old. also talk to your O.B. doctor the also do circumcisions in there office for about 150.00 to 200.00. My little boys was only 150.00 and my O.B. did it when he was a week old. Just make sure if you get it done you have to keep it clean although it might seem to be hurting him and also keep the med. on it so it dont stick to diaper and PLEASE KEEP THE SKIN PULLED BACK ON IT. If you dont it makes for a very bad experince on the whole ordeal. A.



answers from Birmingham on

I would definitely go through with the circumcision. I have two sons and they are both circumcised. My husband's brothers were not when they were born and all three had complications with infections and all had to be circumcised at later ages!!! I would much rather my son be circumcised when he isn't going to remember it, than at a later age when he can!!! They said it was terrible!! I also believe it is a personal choice too, so however you feel about it, is what you should actually do!! Congratulations and good luck with that precious gift!!!! Being a mom of a little boy is sooo rewarding!!!!!



answers from Fayetteville on

Hi A.. Congrats on your soon to be son! This was a hot topic for us when we were SURE that we were having a boy (so much for my gut instincts). All I can say is do your research and ultimately that will lead you to the best decision for YOU and your son. Try not to let money matters make medical decisions for you. I know it is tough. My major decision for the procedure is the health benifit. After the recent study linking circucision with a huge drop (like 60%) in the contraction of the HIV virus in men (ok, it's in Africa,but it's still true)I was impressed with the procedure again. Talk to your Doctor about risks and benifits, anithesia and the like, delve into the internet and ask about anything that is unclear to you, no question is a dumb question, especially when it comes to the health of your new baby. Good luck to you both and enjoy him!




answers from Oklahoma City on

I have had both of my boys circumcised. It does cost more but I believe that my insurance covered 80%. I am about to have another boy and no matter the cost yes I will have it done! My little brother did not have it done and he had lots of problems but I here that it is uncommon to have problems. I just find the care of the boy part to be easier with circumcision.



answers from Little Rock on

I'd get it done. My husband didn't have the procedure at birth b/c of complications he had as a newborn. He got an infection at age six and it was done then. He remembers it vividly, and to this day he says that it was the worst pain that he has ever had to endure. I'd decided that I'd probably get it done b/c of the lower incidence of infections w/ the procedure. Not circumcizing doesn't necessarily cause infections, but there is an increased incidence of infections in non-C males. The majority of boys seem to be circumcised at birth. I don't know how much it's worth to you to have him not stand out in the locker-room, but for some it is a consideration. I don't know of any pointers per se. The nurses took my son, and brought him back quickly. I was breast feeding and on painkillers at the time (C-section), so he was pretty drugged at the time. I guess that if it saves you one trip to the hospital later on b/c of infection it'll be worth it.



answers from Tulsa on

I had 4 boys and had them all circumcised. They are now in their late twenties. Most boys born from around 1960 and on have been. It will be a great source of teasing and torment once he enters school and is around other boys. My ex was not circumcised and believe me it make a big difference!! I know that isn't anything you are thinking of now, but he will be soon enough. Ask your pediatrician about the pro's and con's of the procedure. They will be able to give you advice based on medical facts or you can also google it and get tons of info. Hope this helps some.



answers from Oklahoma City on

I have a son (he is 15). I had him circumcised the day after he was born. It is beneficial to him. First it helps with the risk of infection because bacteria gets trapped under the extra skin. Also as they grow up and are around other boys they don't look "different" than the other boys. Most boys get circumcised at birth.
My brother in law who is 34 was not circumcised at birth and my sister hates it she said it's frustrating during sex sometimes because you have to be careful about the skin. She said he also has to wash under the extra skin more often than someone who is circumcised would have to do. So my brother in law has made an appt. to get the extra skin cut off and at 34 I' sure that will be very painful. He wishes his mom would have had it done when he was an infant.
Hope this helps.



answers from Alexandria on

Hi A.,
I worked for two years in pediatrics and the choice is all up to you and your Doctor. (If you have no problems and the baby is fine. )If he is uncircumcised you will be thought on how to move the skin an clean it so he doesn't get any infections and all normal care. But if you do then it is clean and open( Free of skin) and will be esier to clean. But no one should tell you it needs to be done unless of any health related problems.Talk with your Dr. and his Nurse they should be able to give you some written information on this that would help you decide.



answers from Birmingham on

I did a lot of research when I was pregnant with my son and decided that it was best to have him circumcised. I have heard MANY stories about bacterial infenctions that boys and men get who are not circumcised, and I want to spare that for my son. I know men who were not circucised as babies, and had to go throught the pain of getting it done as teens or adults. It is much easier to just have it done when they are first born. Ultimately, it is up to you, and what you feel is best for your son. Mother always knows best!! Good Luck!!



answers from Oklahoma City on

The benefits are worth the cost. This will effect him the rest of his life. If you don't have him circumcised, he could have medical issues later in life that could cost you in medical expenses. Also, most boys are circumcised. When he's older, he could end up in a locker room full of boys who are. If he's the only one who isn't, he could be teased. Take care & enjoy your baby boy!



answers from Little Rock on

Hi A.,
I recommend getting your son circumcised, unless it is a religious reason. It will be much easier for you and him to keep clean as years pass. Plus if you don't and he decides when he gets will be very painful for him. It only costs around $250, I believe or at least thats what I think it was 4 yrs ago for my son. I think it is worth it the cost. He will thank you when he gets older. hope this helps and if you have anymore questions on little boys..I will be happy to talk. They are lots of fun!! Congratulations.



answers from Shreveport on

Tough question. If you were in a relationship with the dad, I would say a boy needs to look like his father. Otherwise, both my boys are circumsized and it is cleaner and healthier urinary tract wise. You will still have to teach him how to clean his "winky" when he is old enough to help. Some people don't agree with this kind of thinking so your best bet is to read up on it online or in pregnancy books so you can make your own decision. Best of luck!



answers from Baton Rouge on

I'm a single mom, have two boys, 3 and 14, I never got the 14 yr old circumcised, I felt strongly about it at the time, but with boys it depends on how much hands on your willing to go, because if they aren't circ'd, mommy has to do the cleaning of the member in question and it tickles the babies. LOL, it took until he was two and half with gentle supervision to stop his "over cleaning" and then weekly checkup to avoid any buildup of nonclean. Generally your pediatrician will advise how and such. So after the embarrassing (mostly to me) monthly then yearly "check ups" (Doc took it over after 8yrs old) I quickly and confidently circumcised the younger son, and now have one less worry/ chore. Health and efficiency come first in my household, but I was on medicaid at the time, so cost wasn't an issue. I recommend you research and soul search b/c they really depend on you for everything those first few years. Its really the teen years that worry me. LOL. Good luck with your decision!



answers from Pine Bluff on

I got both my boys circumcised (SP?) I have heard that if you don't get it done it can cause infections, so I had both of mine circumcised at birth, my mother recommended it when I had them. I don't regret it, and I have heard that as they get older it can cause more problems if it isn't done. As for the length of time it takes for it to heal you would be surprised both my boys were done at birth and within a week of them being home, they were healed and both boys are healthy and happy. I hope that helps.



answers from Huntsville on

I am a 39 year old mother of 3, two girls and a boy. We never found out what we were having, so we thought through the circumcision question with each child. We ultimately decided not to have our son circumcised for weveral reasons. We first sought the advice of our pastor to make sure that we were no longer bound by God's command to circumcise. We were assured by him that since we have been released from the requirements of The Law, circumcision is not a requirement for us. We then talked with our pediatrician. He recommended against circumcision as it does not seem to have any substantial medical benefits. He did not have his own son circumcised (that impacted me) and he said that about half the boys that come to his practice are uncircumcised. (I had beeen worried that our son might feel different from all the other boys.) As there didn't seem to be a driving reason to do it, we chose not to. Our son is now 4 and we have had no issues or reason to second guess our decision. The only extra work is a little time teaching your son how to clean himself properly. Hope this helps!



answers from Shreveport on

I have two boys and they both were circumcised in the hospital. The expense is worth it. I work in a clinic, and there are some mothers who bring there child in when they get
older and it is BAD!! Dont do that to your baby.The sooner the better.



answers from Jackson on

first off there are reason to and not to have your so circumcised but i had my son i is easier for them and you to clean when it is done and therefore more sanitary... secondly a friend of mine started having problems at eighteen with infections b/c he wasn't circumcised and bacteria can stay in that skin that extends over the head... i paid 100 dollars to have my son circumcised by the pyhsician that delivered him.. a small price to pay to not have any further problems with his health in the future.. infections can make your child infertile and you may want grandchildren someday



answers from New Orleans on

Hi: Congratulations. You've chosen a lovely name. I am a 62 yr old Grandma,3 boy's 1 girl & 6 grands.All 3 of my son's were and we were living check to check. But it was worth it because I had friends whose son's got infections, and one had to have surgury because the skin grew over due to not having had circumcisions. One of my nephew's had a lot of problems when he was little. Also when he is a adult, he'll thank you.
I have a husband and my hat is off to you young people doing all this alone. God Bless you. Grandma



answers from Pine Bluff on

Hi A., personally i think it's the right way to go because of being so much easier to keep the area clean as an infant and then as the little guy gets older it's easier for him to keep clean as well. I raised 2 boys and have always been glad we did circumcise....R.



answers from Tulsa on

I would have it done if I was you. I have one son and he was circumcised. I was 11 years old when my one and olny brother was born. He was not circumcised at first beause he had troubles when he was born and the Dr not do think it was wise to add to his condtion. He was later cicrumcise beause he had a lot of problems will get the area get infected beause of clean issues. It is not that my mom and us , ( yes he had four sisteers all at least 91/2 years old then him.) give him baths. I think it is easy deal with if boys are circumised.



answers from Oklahoma City on is a good resource. we chose not to have our son circumcised, but it was done anyway. be very explicit about your request, and put it in writing all over his bassinette if you let him out of your sight. the burn centers pay the pediatricians for foreskins, so there is alot of pressure to have it done. it is so unneccesary. they dont use pain medication at the hospital, but if you take him home,even for a day, then decide to schedule it, it is considered a surgery and only then is he given pain meds. make your own decision, but remember that it will impact the rest of his life.



answers from New Orleans on

I work at a Pediatric office and we do them in the office. It is better to have them done while they are smaller than when they get older. It also helps prevent infections and other problems down the road. But the final decision always rest with you the parent on what you want for your child.



answers from Montgomery on

There's not any real significant benefit to having circumcision done. Right now, it is done mainly for 'social' or 'religious' purposes. Mostly those who are Jewish or those in the western world. Last time I did research, it was mentioned that about 80% of the world does not circumcise their boys. I did not have my son circumcised. I didn't see the point in inflicting a lot of pain on a little baby for what? Just because 'society' does it? No thanks! He is perfectly fine with it and understands why we chose not to and is actually HAPPY we didn't do it. It is a personal choice and you choose what is best for your son but do the research first! :)



answers from Montgomery on

If you wait till he is older it will hurt him in the long run, He will be having a personal problems. the Dr will do it while he is still in the hospital and he might cry for a minute or two and thats it, I am sure it will be prefectly fine it you go ahead and get it over with.

Good Luck
L. C



answers from Fayetteville on

Even if you don't believe in the Creator, you should look to the scripture for all the questions of life. The laws layed out in Leviticus for instance are not just "religious specific" dietary laws, but proven facts that certain foods are simply not fit for human consumption and you will have optimum health if you follow these guidelines. The Maker's Diet is a great book that goes into the science of this. Circumcision is, like food and things you can touch, a matter of being clean and unclean. Not only is this procedure a symbol of being "circumcised of the heart" that is, righteous rather that unrighteous, but also a cleansing and purifying practice that must be done to all boys to ensure optimum health. Bacteria, fungus, inflamation and disease could plague the boy as he grows into a man. Save your baby the pain and embarassment! It's worth it!



answers from Biloxi on

We have had 4 of our boys circumsized and the advice I would give is for you to be with them holding their hands when its done. They did one of our boys without either my husband or I and it infuriated us. I also had one that just slept through his. NO big deal to him. My own father is not cir. and my mother says she gets lots of infections because of it. I have never regretted the decision to have our boys done, and will do it again if #7 is a boy.



answers from Tulsa on

We had our sons circumcised and had no problems. When we were deciding with our 1st son we talked to a few different doctors we know personally. Here is what they said: 1. have the boy look like daddy so he doesn't ask why he doesn't, 2. consider the cultural norm for the area where you live, someday the boy will be in a locker room with other boys and it will be noticed, teenagers do not like to be different in such ways. 3. they've had men come in as adults to be circumcised because they are tired of the whole locker room issues

Tips: We waited and had our boys circumcised when they were a week old at their 1st dr visit. The advantages of this are: 1. The baby will already be established nursing or taking a bottle well. Birth itself is traumatic enough on the baby, give him a few days to recover and get situated before the circumcision. 2. Interview pediatricians and find out how they do the procedure. Make sure they use a local anesthesia. My husband was with each of our sons when they had it done. He said this last time was the best and easiest on the baby by far. There was the Dr, a nurse to help the Dr, and 2 nurses just for the baby! One who comforted him and one who gave him sugar water. The sugar water made such a HUGE difference my husband said. It distracted the baby and he didn't even realize anything was going on down there. With our other sons it was just a dr and my husband.



answers from Tulsa on

My son was circumcised at birth. I have no regrets and my decision had absolutly nothing to do with religion or culture. A nurse provided a very good explanation including how simple the proceedure was, quick healing time and the benefits of hygeine for my son. All of which were and are very practical and sound reasons. There is a risk of infection IF the male does not keep very clean.



answers from Fayetteville on

oh my goodness, A.. Congratulations. This is not a decision to be based on money. If you're not Jewish, it's not a decision to be based on belief, either. I had my son circumcized so he would look like his father, and I was present for it. Having gone through it, I would NEVER do it again. Our bodies are perfect, and removing a piece sure doesn't make sense to me, now that I'm older. And causing pain -- and a mother knows when her baby is in pain -- makes no sense whatsoever.



answers from Birmingham on

This is something that you should do for your son so he doesn't have to pay for it and go through the embarrassment in later years. He will be different from his other friends (and yes, he will notice and so will they). I have a friend who was not circumcised as a child and he said it was a MUST and he had it done as an adult. He said it was terribly painful and he hated going in and the drs. and nurses all staring at his privates. He said it was worth the pain and money but sure wishes he parents had done it. Babies are very resilent and we wouldn't think about not giving them immunizations because of the pain .. do this for him also.



answers from Birmingham on

I checked into this, too, and was leaning against circumcision at first, but then decided to do it. I believe it was the right decision. First, I had heard statistics, like those below, about how many people are not having it done. Those figures aren't what they sound like. Among white males, circumcision is still nearly 100%. If your son is black, Arabic, etc., the figures might be different, and of course I don't know your race. Anyway, if you are white, his peers will nearly all be circumcised.
Second, I know of several men who were circumcised later in life, and it was excrutiating for them. In one case, the man's forskin ripped during intercourse with his wife. In another, the boy was about 11-13 years old and will NEVER forget that experience.
Conversely, as babies, the boys have minimal pain, and of course they can't remember it later.
There really are medical benifits to circumcision, so talk to your Dr. about it. Won't your insurance cover it? There shouldn't be extra costs -- it's normally part of the hospitalization costs at birth.
Hope this helps.



answers from New Orleans on

We did pay to have our son circumcised. My husband is not and remember many issues that have come along with it. So we decided to do it.



answers from Atlanta on

From what I can understand it is worth it! Once it heals (which doesn't take very long) my boys were very easy to keep clean--easier than my baby girl. And as everyone has pointed out they do have to take care of that themselves one day. And considering most boys---they're not going to want to take the time to do that and may end up having problems because of it.

Look into your insurance and see how much it covers. I don't know your financial situation but seeing that your a single mom and all you might can look into Medicaid. We had that at one time because my husband was still in school and it covered everything. Even if you have insurance, if you qualify, Medicaid can cover anything your insurance won't. It's worth looking into if you need the help.

Congratulations on your little boy and I love his name! I wish you all the best!



answers from Alexandria on


I have two sons both of them were circumcised. I believe that it is important for them socially and physically to have it done. When I was a teen my best friend mom had a little boy and did not have him circumcised. When he was really little his mom took care of making sure it was clean but when he got a little older he would get some infections because he didn't clean well enough. Also boys use urinals and other boys tended to tease him because he was not. So in my opinion it is important to do it but I am sure there is just as many people who say that it is not. I hope this helps/



answers from Lawton on

A., I had an uncle that had to be circumcized at age of 62 years. His doctor told him that it didn't matter how much sex he had, it had grown closed. That is just a tidbit of information. When I had my son 42 yrs ago, I had him circumcized because of that reason. He hasn't regretted it one day of his life. He has told me many times that he appreciates it.
My name is A. and I live in Walters, Oklahoma. My age is 62 and I am enjoying Mamasource.



answers from Tulsa on

I had 3 girls, 2 grown up, when we had our boy, now almost 2. I had relatives that have not been circumscised and needed the procedure as adults due to critical conditions. So we rather have our son circumscised while we were at the hospital. He did great, had no problems to eat or rest and healed just fine! but this is a personal matter, you make your decision. If you choose not to circumscised just make sure you know how to clean the area since it is usually easier for a circumscised boy to keep himself clean compare to those who did not have the procedure done early in life.



answers from Lawton on

my daughter had two boys the first two pragrancy and both time she had them circumcised so they won't have no problems when they get older. it is alot easier on having them circumcised that way they don't have to have it done later when they are a adult and things. usually if they are not circumcised when they are babies they have problems later on when they get older and things. that is my suggestion but it is ur baby so do whatever god lays on ur heart sweetie.



answers from Mobile on

Dear A.,
I have two sons. One with my first husband and one with my second. The first son is circumcised because his dad wanted him to be. The second son is not, because his dad did not want him to be. When my current husband and I made the decision to not circumcise, we were advised to by the doctor to pull back the fore skin to keep it clean. As he grew we taught him how to keep it clean. He is 20 years old and has never had any problems. By the way I had him checked out by a urologist when he was young. He also advised us on how to keep it clean. Talk to a Uroloist with your questions and concerns about this. My son has played sports all through high school and now in college. He has never once said he wish it was different. Congrats and Good Luck! C.



answers from Jackson on

I just recently had a little boy.. He is now 4 months old and he is circumcised. I have heard of different reasonings for doing it. Mainly health risks, although i do not know of actual case where anything happened in young years, but his grandmother is a nurse that had a patient that had to be circumcised at the age of 70 due to a bacterial infection. I think it gave me peace of mind as a mother, but I have friends that did not do it because of religious beliefs. I think you should just be confident in your decision either way. I just did not want to take any chances of any type of infection that you hear could be caused. It also may leave him subject to being what some other boys may call different when he is older. Just a thought, but just pray about it.

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