Weight Management: Medela

Trying to Gain

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63 answers

3 Wk Old Slow Weight Gain (Caught in Breast/formula Conundrum)

*Long request My 3 week old daughter was born at 7.11 and with weight checks every 4 days or so has lost weight (normal, I know) to 6.14 and then gained (7.2) then down(?!) to 6.14 again and then up to 7.4 and after 7 days has only gained an ounce (7.5)! The post partum weight drop can safely be attributed to her sleeping well, she would go from midnight to almost 5:30 at 10 days old, so I've started waking her to feed every three hrs (daytime) and every four hours at night. Beyond that, my milk supply seems adequate but I'm taking...


Need More Milk

I have been feeding my son breast milk from a bottle since he was 2 weeks...