HUGS, HUGS M.!! I am also a teacher and a mom of 3. My children are now 8, 6 and 2. I wish I could say that it is going to be easy, but the one thing I do hold on to is the fact that as teachers we have a lot of time off that we wouldn't ordinarily have. The thing that really kills me is childcare costs. Currently, I pay about 80% of my take home pay to the daycare. That is painful.
We do what we have to do, though. You will make the best of it, I am sure. One thing that I have learned to do is to really have everything in the am set so that the morning isn't a horror show. I also have learned to say no to many committees and extra commitments at school.
Lastly, don't forget to take care of yourself every once in a while!! Easier said than done, I know.
Take care and email me anytime you want!!!