Hi C.,
My 2 daughters both were paci babies,my oldest was 3 when she got rid of it,by her choice. My youngest is 4 now and last xmas she left her binky for santa's baby reindeer.She asked for it a few times but I reminded her she gave it to santa,it was easier then I expected.I had tried a few times before this without success it was a security blanket for her.When she was upset,sick,tired,or just needing comfort,she cried for her binky.We never had any vocal issues she has been talking since she was 14 mos. and dental issues we had none.I often wonder if we make them get rid of it because they no longer need it or because society feels they dont need it?
I have a 5 yr old niece and 3 yr old nephew,my brother took their binkys away when the boy was just under a yr old,well they took up sucking their thumbs and still do at this point.I truly believe a binky is easier then the thumb,you cant throw a thumb away.Kids will look for comfort and security anyway they can it and from what.I wouldnt rush to get rid of it.
P.S. my daughter who is 4 yrs old,in her sleep still sucks as if she has a binky and its just cute .