It seems to me she is trying to get daddy's attention and make up for the time she missed. She doesn't have the ability yet to realize and verbalize this -- so it comes out in the form of a tantrum.
I know other posters mentioned spankings or time outs. I have a book called 'Playful Parenting' that I was just re-reading yesterday. It recommends 'talk time' in the chapter on discipline. I haven't been using this - but I am thinking of trying (we do time outs as of now).
Basically, when the childs acts up - say 'I think we need talk time'. Go to the couch together and talk about what is really going on, OR just act silly and giggle together, etc. Either way, it is about the fact that the child is feeling disconnected when they are tantruming and therefore, isolating them more in time out or a spanking is further disconnecting them.
I can see the authors point. I also have done behavior modification with children with autism in the past and it is hard for me to move away from feeling that I am then
re-enforcing the negative behavior.
I figure it's worth a try - b/c I don't want to feel I am always threatening a time out OR giving one! By the way -- my 2 1/2 year old I feel is trying to reconnect w/ daddy b/c he has been glued to CNN and politics every night all night and not paying as much attention to the kids. SO--- that is where I saw that the dissconection thing made sense.
Good luck!