I'm going to safely assume that there is more to the story. The issues of death and dying are very deep and complicated. Try and understand that there is a lot more to lose on the side of the person who is about to lose her life. We, the ones who are not faced with the reality of death, have the freedom to make life-decisions.
Think about this; could she only be acting defensively and holding on to the only things that matter to her right now? the only things that remind her of purpose and LIFE?
So, taking these representations of life is like sucking the very last breaths out of her. Maybe if you acknowledge her situation for her benefit she would be more apt to thinking about the welfare of the kids later on. The grieving process takes on stages: the first one is denial and anger. Read more about it and maybe it will shed some light as to why she is reacting and not responding to your interest and the kids.
Give her space. Legally, will the kids go anywhere else?
Look at your legal options now. Get prepared if it gets to that point. Get a lawyer - if this is where you want to go. Unless your husband gave up his rights, does she really have the full right to give up his? It may be that the State where she lives allows that. ????
I don't really know why CPS is on the case unless there is an active case. Maybe the healthcare providers are just assisting her emotional needs. As a healthcare provider - I would have to look at my patient wholistically and part of that is to take care of factors that affect my patient's ability to be comfortable and especially if they cause pain. I hope this helps. Err on the side of caution. Yield towards kindness and to those who require it.