My son, was the same way but he was a little older. I can be a combination of things, such as food/drinks intake, separation anxiety or your child may just have another type of illness.
When my son did that, my soultion was feeding him a lot till you can tell he didn't want any more. Then i cut his nap time during the day (i used to let him nap 2 times a day.) I only let him sleep 45min and wore him out. Dancing, playing, cleaning singing. Although doing all that, and only having 45 mins to my self really wore me out too, dad and I had to tag time it.
I know it's really hard to deprive your child of sleep for a period of time, but sometimes you have to get that routine back. Then Dad and I would put him in bed with his sippy cup 1/4 full of apple juice and in a period of 30min or less he was out like a light, but my main thing is you have to let him know when it's bed time so he/she know's that it's about that time. I say "night night time" and he reacts to it as crying whining and just being craby all around. I know the reason for that is because fun is over and he is tired. After a couple of weeks of that, (it was 2 for me) everytime it was bed time he was get in bed and cry for 10-30mins because he didnt want to sleep but I am 100% sure that the crying didn't continue after 30 min he was out like a light.
Some times you have to let him cry, don't go in the room, but if after 30-45min he is still crying check up, you know the diaper, burp, belly....( you are a mom, you know what I am talking about). I am going to tell you if you don't let your child cry right now, this try would be really hard for you but you have to be strong. Childern can learn there parent every quickly, i know my son did. DO NOT GO IN TO THE ROOM. If this is dad preious angel you have to sit down and explain to him what needs to be done. If your child is sleeping with you, you may want to be careful of the, he/she can not fall asleep until you are by there side. That is another hard thing to do.
Please make sure that you take him/her to the doctors to make sure that it isn't any kind of illness, or food they are taking in. This could help and it can't all in one but if you want some sleep alway see what kind of options you have. Mine is one.