Hi Everyone!! I hope I don't sound like a mean person, but I have problems with a lot of the advice that has been given concerning sleeping issues. I feel like the "crying it out" method is getting a bad rap. I don't know about other people who have used this method, but for myself, it has worked like a charm. My son walks to his crib and wants in the second I say " it's nite-nite time, Graydon". When he was adjusting to the whole napping issue, I never let him cry for hours on end, which is what I think a lot of people assume the "crying it out" method is. SO UNTRUE!!! When we started our napping routine, I checked on him every fifteen minutes, reassured him, and layed him back down. I never picked him up. I never layed in the room with him. I never rocked him to sleep. I never let him sleep in my bed. I love my baby, and it was hard to hear him cry, but what helped me, was knowing that he was becoming independent and would be able to survive without me. I thought that was what being a parent is all about. I want him to depend on himself to be able to fall asleep, eat, play, and generally, just have a balanced, healthy life. I don't mean to say there are not other ways to raise a healthy baby, I just get annoyed to see so many people denounce the "cio" method, as if we just leave them in their rooms crying for hours. The Method is so far opposite from that, it is absurd. The "cio" method to me, is about creating independence in your child so that he/she can succeed in their lives WITHOUT you!! I hope I am not sounding rude, I just want to stress the importance of independence in a child, because it is what will carry a person thru life more than anything else. I hope I have made my feelings clear and I wish the best of luck to everyone who has a child, because lord knows, it ain't easy!!!!