I have a 3 and 4 year olds. they are both boys, but I have been going through the same thing with my three year old. He will peepee, but he won't go #2 for the life of him. Here are some things that we have tried and the treats worked for my first son. Although, I think all children do the falling of the wagon thing. It's so hard and frustrating, but pushing the issue only frustrates them and then noone wins.
treats: get a special treat like, m & m's or gummy bears. Something will only give them after going to the potty. This worked like a charm when they both were learning how to peepee in the potty. They did awesome.
potty chart: You can make a potty chart on constuction paper and have her decorate it. The potty chart should have about 10 boxes, whenever she goes to the potty, get a sticker and let her put the sticker on the chart. When she fills up all the boxes she gets to go get a toy from the store, or take her to Mcdonalds, or some other special thing, you get the point.
Then go to the store and let her pick out some stickers she likes. through all this explain what you are doing and why. Be excited about her being such a big girl now and how proud you are. When she has an accident, be easy on her and tell her everyone has accidents and to just let mommy know if she feels like peepee is going to come out.
potty chair in the living room or playroom: I haven't personally done this, but I hear it works wonders. Placeing a potty chair in the living room or wherever they are playing makes it easier for them to remember to go. Sometimes when kids are playing and having fun, they don't want to stop and thus comes an accident.
I'm still struggling with my 3 year old, and no two children are alike, but persistance is really very important. If she goes to a day care, or a babysitter, ask them to make sure she tries to use the bathroom, every so often. When they are really young, you take them like every 20 min or so. But since she has the concept down, I would say like once every hour and 1/2, or two. Being consistant is a major part teaching kids anything, and potty trianing is no different.
Hope this helps.
about me... I am a 35 yr old mother of two boys. My husband is the best dad in the world and I don't know what I would do without that support. We love to tickle each other on the floor and being active outside. Singing songs, and doing crafts.