I kindof went through this with my daughter. The first thing I did was get rid of pull-ups totally during the day,(and I think at night shortly after) because I think she was forgetting when she had one on and when she didn't. When she had one on if she didn't want to stop what she was doing she would go in her pull up. If she had underwear on and remembered she had underwear on she would go on the potty. Sometimes she would forget she had underwear on and pee on the floor. So once I took the pull-ups away and I knew she knew what the potty was for by telling me she had to go to the potty or she would go to the bathroom by herself to go potty, I knew she knew what she was doing and needed to stop being too lazy to use the bathroom. So, if she had an "accident" she would get something taken away, that she loved to play with, for the DAY. For us taking Dora movies away worked well. She did not watch very much tv at this time and Dora was her favorite. I only had to take Dora away 2 or three times and that was it. She got the idea and was done with the accidents. I know you are not suppposed to use negative reinforcement. But positive reinforcement was good to get her started so she got the idea. But enough was enough it was time to get punished if you pee'd on my floor because you were too lazy to go the bathroom. Of course, she would get positive reinforcment when she used the potty correcly. I did not how ever punish her if she had an accident while we were away from home, which only happened once that I can remember.
Little about me
SAHM of a 2 1/2 yr old daughter and 5 mos old twin sons