I agree with Toni. Make sure that your son is exhibiting readiness signs before trying anything, otherwise you could be in for a very frustrating experience, particularly with a boy. We let my son take the lead and I couldn't believe how easy it was.
Because I work full-time, I didn't have a lot of time to worry about potty training. And since I have another younger child also in diapers, it wasn't that much of an inconvenience for me to have them both in diapers. So when my son was around 2, we starting showing the potty training videos and reading him books about it, even bought a little potty that we kept in the bathroom, but did not press the issue on him going to the potty.
When we were on vacation about 6 weeks after he turned 3, he came up to me and said he wanted to use the potty (to this day I have no idea what prompted it). I put him on the pot, he went poop, and after having the entire family hoot and holler in celebration about it, we immediately went out and bought him pull-ups and really cool underwear with his favorite character (Thomas). He wore the pull-ups at night for about a month, and then we transitioned to regular underwear all the time. That was just about a year ago, and I think we've only had maybe 5-6 accidents total.
All kids are different, and you definitely know your own best, so go with your instincts. I do have to admit, it's nice not having to spend the money on diapers, but for a while right after he was trained, I missed the "convenience" of not always having to know where a bathroom is! :)