New to Buffalo

Updated on July 12, 2007
C.R. asks from Manchester, NH
4 answers

Hi everybody!!!!
I'm new to Buffalo, and I was just wondering a few things.
First off, I need to find a good pediatrician for my lil ones. Second, schools??? We are going to be living on the west side, on Niagara St. I would love to find a school that's within walking distance. School #38, Frank A. Sedita academy is real close, but I've heard they are very strict.
I am also looking to sign up my 2 older kids (4&5) for some kind of team sport, preferably soccer, but I have no clue where to start looking on that. In Ohio, my daughter played soccer through the local rec. center, but the teams were not very structured, and Sylvia was the only girl on her team so that made her not want to participate. AND the coaches son was on the team, so there was a little favoritism there that was unfair to all the other kids, like he got more ball time, during games he had more field time, etc.
Well I guess that's all for now. Any help/advice/suggestions would be great!!!

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So What Happened?

ok. i am NOT looking for anyone to criticize the question that i have asked, just for someone's opinion that might have some knoweldge of that school. these are the only responses that i am looking for. all i said is that i heard that this school is "strict", i didn't say there was a problem with the school being strict.

i am looking for advice on a school, a good pediatrician, and a team sport for my children. NOT criticism.

More Answers



answers from Buffalo on

Hi Cinthia, I know nothing about the school but can help with the other questions. First for the doctor, I use Tonawanda Peds. I have had great experience with them and have recommended them to many people who do use them now. They have a few different offices around town with different names but the number I have for them is ###-###-####. They can let you know were all their offices are. As for the sports, there is a group in the area called Kids Play. My daughter did soccer with them one year and there were a few girls. I think they do other sports also. The number I have for them is ###-###-####. Hope this helps and welcome to Buffalo!



answers from Buffalo on

Hello Cinthia,
Welcome to Buffalo. My grandaughter attends D'Youville Porter Campus(School #3). So far my daughter, and I are impressed with the educational curriculum. My grandaughter just had her moving up day from kindergarten. As far as a pediatrician I recommend Dr. Johnathan Daniels. He's located on Main Street@ Main Pediatriacts. Also, I'm a licensed Child Care Provider that offers (free) transportation. You can view my web site: Good Luck.



answers from Buffalo on

I second the Tonawanda peds, however I will only see 1 doctor there and because she is very non-mainstream. Not sure what you're looking for, but the one thing I like about the practice as a whole is they are not big on over medicating children. Other than that, the practice as a whole is very mainstream, which is ok if you fit in with that parenting style. We practice a lot of alternative parenting and Dr. Segal fits perfectly with that. She treats all kinds though, so its not like she wouldnt work for others who were more mainstream. I'm really not too familiar with the other docs in the practice, so I cant comment on that. As far as your other questions, I'm not really familiar with your area so I cant be of more help. Sorry!



answers from Buffalo on

I'm assuming your follow-up was directed at me. LOL, where am I criticizing you? I merely asked you what is wrong with a school being strict, what details have you heard about the school and asked you what your definition of strict is. Please re-read my post. Nothing in it criticized you and I'm sorry you took it that way.

I don't know anything about the Frank A. Sedita academy, but I have to ask, what is wrong with it being strict? What details have you heard?

With all the "laxness" of today's society and parenting in general, it would seem that a strict (by today's standards) would be something you'd want, not something you'd avoid.

By strict do you mean that that standards are high and rules are enforced and it's expected that the children are respectful to each other and the staff. That sounds like nirvana in a school setting. If not, what IS strict?

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