Moving into a Hotel.

Updated on July 29, 2010
K.D. asks from Arlington, TX
9 answers

Due to finances and our lease is up soon we have to move into a cheap hotel with our children. My question is how would you go about selling everything you own? I'm talking furniture, electronics, decor....everything. I have tried craigslist and a yard sale but still have a house full of items, and we wont be able to afford storage & need the money to pay the hotel bill. Any suggestions would be great. Thank you.

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answers from Washington DC on

You could have an open house sale. Put price tags on things. People walk through the house.... the only problem with that is that people tend to pocket things. So you would need and adult in each room.

If you have a yard sale/open house. List it as a MOVING sale, EVERYTHING MUST GO. Then people may be more interested than if you just say OPEN HOUSE or Yard Sale.

Good luck.

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answers from New York on

I wish you had placed a post before having to move. Is there anyway you could split the rent and space with someone else. Hotel fees add up and sometimes end up being more than rent in the long run. I know this isn't an answer to your question but you may just be better off trading your stuff for things you may need. Try giving some of your things away to others in need and when you are in need the favor will be returned. It's about sowing and reaping.

Try local flee markets or church flee markets, beyond this follow the other suggestions given by the mammas here.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Depending on how much time you have place items on ebay, craigslist and even the pennysaver. I would continue to have open houses, fri-sunday until its all gone. Perhaps put it on your FB that you're having a yard sale with pictures of big items. Good luck my heart felt prayer goes out to you and your family. It will get better. Believe in that.

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answers from Dallas on

I'm so sorry to hear that. Is there family that might have room at the back of their shed or something? I left a lot of stuff with a brother when I went through a big transition. I only got about half back, but hey, that's better than starting completely over. Have you tried to find something other than a hotel? That's going to add up quick to well over regular rent. If your lease is up you might be getting a deposit back that you can use to get into something else. They may let you stay on a month to month basis if you tell them what's going on. Even if you took a short term lease on something really small, that would be cheaper than a cheap hotel. A hotel is going to be 1 room and a bathroom. So, even if you rented a 1br apt you would be coming out ahead. I think in N Arlington you can get month to month deals and some have no move in costs. The neighborhood wont be ideal, but it's temporary, right.
There are a lot of churches that will help financially and some city and county organizations that have funds.
But if you really need to sell your stuff - There are several online free classifieds. Try that again, but be sure you have good pictures and prices listed. I've bought and sold a lot of hosehold stuff on Craigslist. Pictures and prices are the key.
I know you are walking through fire right now. But keep putting one foot in front of the other and this too shall pass.

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answers from Tulsa on

flea market and ebay

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answers from New York on

I'd try another yard sale, but advertise as a moving sale, everything must go. Does your town have a community yard sale or flea market? You could rent a space.

You could also ask some friends or family if they might be able to store a few items for you.

In our local paper you can place an ad for free if your selling an item under $100. Does your local paper have anything like that. Depending on the fee, it might be worth it to place a classified ad.

If all else fails, donate the items to a reputable charity so you can use it as a tax write off. Knowing that you'll have a huge deduction, you can decrease the amount of taxes taken out of your weekly pay check.

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answers from Dallas on

Call 211 and explain your situation. It's possible they may be able to direct you to a group that can provide you transitional housing or other financial assistance. I know it exists in Tarrant county. Living in a hotel can easily cost more than rent.

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answers from Dallas on

SOme of us may be interested. Where do you live? Do you have a chest of drawers that has 5-6 and is tall, not a dresser? Do you have a twin bed with a headboard and clean matress? Do you have a recliner? Lazyboy? Color? Let us or me know-ok. A lady I know is fixing up a summer cottage nearby for missionaries and pastors familys and when grandkids visit. She alos needs metal bunkbed set.



answers from Philadelphia on

this is NOT the best solution for you but anyhow. There is a world wide group called "Freecycle" its broken down into counties. So for instance you reside in Bucks Cty, Pa. Then you would look for a freecycle group in Bucks Cty, Pa.
You will NOT make any money in this group but you will be able to get rid of practically everything. You write things like "Wanted" "Offer" or Taken" example " Offer" 2 kitchen chairs decent condition New Hope, Pa. Then you might get lots of responds or some or none. At least its better than your items going to a landfill. No money is exchanged it is not a barter system.
I really enjoy freecycle.
I hope you are able to sell your items and your situation gets improves.

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