I feel so sorry for you. I went through this, too! I had morning, noon, and night sickness....for the whole 9 months!!! I was so sick, I lost about 17 lbs in my first trimester. I remember that my doctor wanted to prescribe something for me, but I don't remember what it was. I do remember that I didn't want to take ANY type of drug while I was pregnant (we have an invitro baby and I just didnt want to take any risks). There are a couple of things that did help me to ease the symptoms.
First, I changed prenatal vitamins to Primacare (they have a formula specifically to reduce the symptoms of Morning Sickness). The particular Primacare that I took required a pill in the morning and a pill at bed time, which seemed to help a lot.
Second, I changed toothpaste....yes toothpaste. Every time I brushed my teeth with minty toothpaste, I got sick. Changing to cinnamon toothpaste, helped to aleviate my symptoms.
Third, ginger ale and crackers were my best friends!!! Once I felt a little nauseas, I would immediately start eating club crackers and wash them down with a little ginger ale. Warm Ginger Tea also helped to aleviate some of the sickness as well.
I hope this helps.