Most massage schools have a student clinic. You can also be a practice client for a student during their lab times. I am not sure that I would 100% recommend going to a student clinic if you are experiencing a medical problem though. They are students after all. Ask you doctor if he /she thinks massage is OK. Don't have them work deep into your legs, just Swedish massage or lymphatic drainage massage.
Most massage schools charge about $40-60 for an hour in their clinic, being a practice body is typically free but you may not get your legs worked on- it depends on what's being taught that day.
List of schools that I know in the area
AKS Massage School- Herndon, VA
Northern Va Massage Therapy Training Institute- Falls Church
Potomac Massage Training Institute- DC
Of course- you could always come see fully licensed professionals at our clinic- Rejuvenations Massage Therapy, Herndon ###-###-####