Looking for a Job I Can Do from Home

Updated on April 03, 2007
S.S. asks from La Vista, NE
4 answers

I am wondering if anyone knows of any home based businesses that cost little to nothing to start up, or any companies that hire to work from home. I have a great job but I want to be home with my kids. My daughter is in school and I would love to be able to take her and pick her up everyday instead of having her go to Kids Club before & after school, and I hate having to take my son to a babysitter. She's wonderful but I feel like she's the one raising him since she's w/him most of the day and it breaks my heart. Any ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated!

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answers from Omaha on

I'm looking into this selling thing from home my friend and her husband do it and I will be hopefully starting it soon. And you get to shop from their catalog and save money on everything Clothes,electronics,car rentals and much much more I think it sounds cool and it's $35 to start too! Maybe it's the same thing. try quixtar.com

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answers from Omaha on

Hello S.,

My name is L.. I recently retired from being a police officer after 12 years and opened a home day care. Along side the day care I have recently become involved in Arbonne. It's a business you can do from home with a small amount of time away from your family. The company is a direct marketing company focusing on health and wellness products. The products are great! They basically sell themselves. The potential income opportunity within a short amount of time is amazing! It has so many opportunities for a great income!! If you are interested, e mail me back. I'd love to share the information with you.



answers from Omaha on

S., I am involved in a business you can do part time at your leisure and the cash flow is up to you, which I really like. I'd love to talk with you about it. I'm off to outdoor education with my sixth grader but will be back in town on Wednesday, feel free to call me at ###-###-####. Thanks, S.



answers from Omaha on

I am involved with a company that has a great home based business opportunity. I am just starting to do it as a business but I have been a customer for 8 years now. The start up cost is $35. We could arrange a time to talk on the phone if you'd like, let me know if you are interested. I'll explain everything and give you a website to check out.


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