Ugh. That's so draining. Some of it can be stopped, if you don't feed the emotion. It could possibly be the situation and it will pass when the crisis is over. Sometimes it's the person and their way to deal with every little thing. Then, it's just not in your power to stop it and you need to distance yourself from from the person.
Keep you personal information, personal. Don't share stuff.
Don't react to, or mirror their emotion. Not facial expressions or sighs, or joy for their joy or drama for their drama. sometimes they get bored when you don't feed them and move on to someone who does.
Don't get involved in their rescue, personally. You can suggest a car place but not volunteer to take them there.
Keep your interactions BIFF, brief, informative, friendly and firm. Never waffle, it just makes them try harder.
Never do something against your moral code.
Maybe, under the right circumstances, you can calmly assert yourself in an utterly calm way. They scream, don't you think so and so answer was just crazy? You say with deadly calm, No, actually I think the answer was well thought out.
Of course when these methods are employed, then you could become the target for the drama. Oh well, sometimes it's a badge of honor to be hated by the right people ; )