Jff- Did Your Ex Keep the Things You Gave Him?

Updated on November 03, 2011
T.K. asks from Grand Prairie, TX
8 answers

This is a spinoff of Just Ms question. Do you think your ex kept the things you gave him or tossed it? Would it be wierd if he did? I was with my ex-husband for a long time and bought him alot of really nice gifts over the years. We travelled places and picked things up. I was at every important milestone in his life, so, I'm in alot of his pictures and albums. If you go into any room in his house, I have a major presence. His new gfs move in and never know the differance. They will be showing us around "thier home" and pointing out "thier things" to people and my teen daughter will just look at me and grin, because she knows I bought most of it! It doesn't bother me that he still has all that stuff proudly displayed, but if I were the new girl I would have a real problem with it. I admit, sometimes when it's a girl my daughter doesn't like, it gives me a chuckle. Wrong, I know. How would you feel if your ex-husbands house was a shrine to you? I wouldn't know or care, but since we are all one big happy family, spend all our holidays together and I'm at his house on a regular basis, it's kind of hard for me to overlook.

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So What Happened?

Just M, that's exactly what I mean. I framed an autographed picture of Stevie Ray Vaughan playing guitar and that is the center point of his study. He was an Eagle Scout, I gave him a shadow box full of differant knots and he decorated his bathroom around that. We bought various tribal masks on our travels and as gifts and that is one whole wall of his living room. We loved to cook together, so all the gadgets inhis kitchen are things we bought and used together. The blanket on his bed is a Pendleton blanket I bought for him. The list goes on and on. Some of it he keeps because they are his taste and he loves the pice, but some of it, because I am his taste and he loves me.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Hmmmm....I've seen him about 3 times in about 20 years--not a clue, nor a care! And we were "all done" by about age 24 so it really couldn't have been too much "good stuff" anyway! I honestly can't think of O. specific item. I'm not a "stuff" person, I guess.

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answers from Richmond on

Honestly? Don't know, don't care ;)

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answers from Philadelphia on

my ex has everything still up including all of our wedding pics and the pic that his favorite artist, ramiro rodriguez, the guy that does the art for Tool, drew of us and framed ...that artist is awesome, his work goes for so much and he was honored I emailed and asked him to draw a pic of us to give to my ex on our wedding day and i was poor and he did it and framed it and shipped it for 125...i want that pic if he decides to take it down for our daughter=) I think most of its out of not wanting to buy and hang other stuff

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answers from Redding on

Dad probably displays some of the old things so it feels like home to his daughter.
A new girlfriend shouldnt be one that would come into HIS home and ask that he remove furnishings, that would be weird.
Sounds like they are probably expensive things and he likes them. He's obviously overcome the fact that they came from you, so it doesnt bother him to have them around. They are in fact "just things".

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answers from Phoenix on

Well, when I kicked out my ex after 9 years of marriage, he pretty much left with what he came with...clothes and his tv. Although his tv was 20 inches when we met, I *let* him have the 65 inch when I kicked him out. And yes, he still has it in his home with his wife. I think he was married to the tv and computer more than me.

On a side note, I'm remarried, just had our second anniversary. My hubby and I since we've been together and getting rid of things we had with our ex's and replacing them with *our* things. Like I just sold his ex's coffee table set and used the money to replace them. Those were the last big things. I still have some pictures and knick-knacks I'm working on replacing. But I want our home to be *our* stuff and no reminders of prior relationships. All our pics are put away because we have kids with our ex's. But our living areas I want to refect *us*, if that makes sense. =)

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answers from Reno on

I'm with Rachel D. There is a reason why they are exes. I made some terrible decisions before I met my husband. There isn't any bad blood-not a lot anyways but I just don't care!

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answers from Milwaukee on

I've been with my husband since I graduated from high school 25 years ago. I don't have many ex-boyfriends.

I'd be SHOCKED if any had ANYTHING I gave them. Is it save to assume hickeys would be gone by NOW?! LOL

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answers from Washington DC on

I don't know if my ex-husband kept stuff I gave him. not really concerned about it either. I have pictures of our daughter and he up on our wall. It's part of my history and who we are.

I know my first love and his mom kept pictures of the two of us and his first wife HATED that. He wouldn't take them down and neither would she - it was part of who he is. it's not like they were prominently displayed or even on the night stand, they were mixed in with other family pictures.

If my ex's house was a shrine to me? I would tell him he needed help. We divorced for a reason....we are better off without each other....while I love the fact that we still get along...no shrine, thanks!!

It's great that you are still friends with your ex. this is great for your daughter!

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