We go to another location, so I can't comment regarding Frisco. I believe Frisco may be one of the original locations and is highly regarded though. Each school is an independent franchise. My son's in his 2nd year at SSH and we love it. He's going to be 4 next month. He was at another, highly regarded, MDO but aside from the cutsie crafts they did, I wasn't that impressed. My son got in trouble for hugging!! At SSH they get hugs and kisses. That to me is most important. He's 3 for goodness sake, he doesn't need to go to baby Harvard. But he is learning so much more than he did at the other program! They use a lot of the same manipulatives the montessori schools do (ie rice, beads, etc). My son has also learned things like how to hold a pencil, cut with scissors, wash his hands by himself, writing, etc. These may not seem like a big deal to us, but they really are.