I have had experience with an in-home daycare. It's a good idea for your protection and this is why. You should be a licensed care-provieder. I know that seems like a lot of work just to watch a couple of extra kids. The best thing is you will know that your child-proofing is up to standards. Also you would be certified with CPR and First Aid Training. Believe me this is great because I've had to use it after a mother had given her son a big piece of candy and choked on it right after he left. I'm afraid if I didn't have the training I might not of done what I did right. Also by being certified you can charge more. If you are not certified and one person gets mad at you they can turn you in and that's not a good thing.
I enjoyed having my in-home child care. It gave my children other kids to play and grow up with. As the kids get older you can enjoy teaching them using curriculum also and watch those kiddos grow.
A. Lynn