Homecoming Mum/ Garter Help

Updated on October 11, 2011
S.H. asks from Troy, TX
7 answers

I am pretty sure that homecoming mums are only a southern thing maybe even just a Texas thing but hopefully somebody can answer :). This is the first year that my daughter is going to homecoming with a "date" and he is getting her mum and she is doing his garter. I need to know for his garter do I put her stuff on there as well like she does volleyball, cheer and softball so does all that go on the garter or just his stuff? Also, do I do first names or last names? Thanks in advance.

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answers from Dallas on

Well, we get trashed here in TX for our mum traditions which are crazy I know, but it is a part of the high school homecoming. I can think of things much worse, plus I'll do what my mom taught me and keep my mouth shut about other areas of the country and what they do for traditions which I find very awkward and silly as well.

They wear the mums on homecoming day, NOT to the dance. Can't let that mum mess up a good dress!! I was surprised at how large the garters and mums were, HUGE and I am glad this was not tradition when I was in school. We wore a single, live decorated mum... In MS.

As for the garter, don't do too much. My daughter's bf is a senior and his was a different color scheme. He is not a football player so she decorated it with things he liked..., etc. He decorated hers with cheer because she is a cheerleader and cute bf/gf trinkets. They only put first names on their mums.

They are going to daughter's homecoming in late Oct and she'll be getting another garter for him and she'll get another mum, just in her school colors.

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answers from Dallas on

Yaaaay Homecoming. On the Garter we usually put his stuff - a football or a band note or whatever. On the ribbons that hang down put his name on one and if they are a couple you can put her name on another one in glitter letters. On her mum he should have her stuff mostly with one ribbon maybe having his name on it and if he's a football player there should be his number and a few footballs. That's only if they are comfortable as a couple. If this is a 1st date type thing just put his stuff on his and her stuff on hers because it will embarass them. Girls usually like thier 1st name on them, guys, it's usually the last name, especially if he plays sports.

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answers from Austin on

I would just put his stuff and not too much pick 1 or 2 things. .. His first name is fine.. Very exciting time!

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answers from St. Louis on

your right- that is a southern thing (maybe even just a Texas thing). My sister and brother did this tradition and it is just crazy to someone like myself.

If I remember right (it was just a couple weeks ago in Allen)- he had his first name on there and football and lacrosse. You know a lot of people aren't going to have a clue what you are talking about! I still just laugh when I see the pictures!!

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answers from St. Louis on

good grief! Once again I've learned something from Mamapedia!

What the heck are mums/garters? Well, now I know!

Wow! In MO, we do a wrist corsage for the girls & occasionally a boutonniere for the guys. The guys rarely get anything.... Oh, & sometimes the girl will request a flower for her hair...instead of the wristlet.

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answers from Houston on

My son is going to homecoming this year and we just finished making the mum for his date this weekend. Having not attended HS in TX, they are insane to me! It's huge! Oh, and these mums are not for the dance, they wear them to school the day of the game. He has also has ordered a very nice wrist corsage for his date to wear to the dance.

Everything's bigger in Texas!

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answers from Chicago on

never heard of this. for homecoming in Illinois the guy gets the girl either a wrist corsage or a bouquet to carry and she gets him a boutonniere I know thats spelled wrong lol but don't know how to fix it) none of that other stuff.

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