I lost a bunch of weight a few years ago and felt great. However, after going through depression last year because of 3 miscarriages in a 7 month period, I gained it all back. I didn't have much motivation to do anything except sit and eat, and in my depression, it wasn't healthy choices I was eating. Starting this year, I'm going to do the same thing that was successful to me in the past. This is what I did . . .
Because it took me 30+ years to develop my bad habits, I figured I couldn't change them over night. If I wanted it to be something that stuck, I had to make my changes gradually. I started out by exercising every day. Even if it's a walk around the block, it's a start. Don't try to push yourself too hard at first. 30 minutes may seem like a lot right now, so try just 10 minutes the first week, and add 5 minutes each week until 30 minutes doesn't seem like as much. Set a goal and work towards it. I'm lucky to have equipment in my house, and I set a time each day to work on it. This may sound crazy, but I like to DVR Jeopardy and watch it while on my stepper. If I fast forward the commercials, it takes 20 minutes to watch the show and I am focused on answering the questions rather than how much longer I have to do this. It keeps my mind distracted. I know you say you're depressed and I know how that feels. But, trust me, exercising is the best cure for that. I also take a multi vitamin with iron since I have battled anemia. If you're low on iron, it'll make you feel run down.
Each week, I also pick one bad food habit to tackle, and that's the only one I focus on. So far, I've dropped soda (Dr. Pepper is my weakness, but even diet soda is bad) and I've cut out eating after dinner. Once I clean up dinner, I brush my teeth and I'm done eating for the day. I haven't even tried to change my eating habits yet, just those 2 things. And in one week, I've lost 3 pounds and an inch around the middle. This week my goal is to focus on eating a healthy breakfast and lunch to avoid the mid-afternoon craving for junk food.
Also, don't focus solely on the numbers on the scale. As you burn fat, you'll build muscle. Weekly, I weigh myself and measure around my waist, hips, and thigh and keep a journal of it. You'll be surprised how the inches fall off faster than the pounds! Also, focus on how your clothes feel. That's even more telling than the numbers on the scale.
Good luck! If you'd like a weight loss buddy, I'd love to have one! Just PM me!