i have a 2 yr old too and I used to go to the gym all the time. Now that Im working I started putting on weight. This girl at work told me about these pills slim 30. Anyway, I love excersice and have never taken anything (pills or otherwise) but I gave it a try. I went half on the bottle with her so 15 pills. I had no diarea and no increased heart rate. But it is an appettite supresant. I remember telling my friend I didnt feel any different. At the end of the 2 wk trial I lost 5 lbs. Ive now lost 20 lbs. I stopped taking them cause I was broke and the weight didnt come back either. You get used to eating all the time (cause you still get hungry.) Just a suggestion but believe me I never would have tried them in the past. Everyone asks me what I did when they see me and I tell them I took slim 30. But theres no commercials just word of mouth. They are on myspace