Help- Third Trimester Nausea from Active Baby!!!

Updated on April 09, 2007
L.H. asks from Albuquerque, NM
5 answers

Hello everyone. I am 32 weeks pregnant with my second son and I am totally confused!! This baby is so very active that his movements make me nauseous. When I go to lay down at night to sleep, he begins to kick and roll and move and whatever else he's doing in there and it literally makes me vomit. I have no idea what to do (if there is anything) to help this situation. My first child was nothing like this. This pregnancy, the baby will move sometimes for an hour and a half without taking much of a break. My stomach feels like it's in knots and I literally feel like I've taken a boat ride on an ocean during a storm. Has anyone else had this experience?? I haven't been able to find any message boards on the web about this and I'm wondering if I'm alone! Also, if you HAVE had this problem, what things helped to calm the energetic baby?! :)

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answers from Albuquerque on

When I was pregnant with my firt baby, she was very active at night when I went to bed. My husband gave me warm milk to help and the baby sleep. It worked wonders. When my daughter was older she LOVED warmed milk! Try it, it can't hurt.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Phoenix on

Hey there. I had 2 normal pregnancy, but my 3rd was insane! I was sick through out the entire time! My doctor gave me some anti-nausea pills, that will not harm the baby that helped greatly! Ask your doctor for some, I forget the name but they should know what your talking about. It's almost over though!



answers from Phoenix on

Hi L.,
It might not be the active baby that makes you nauseas, but something you eat or drink that doesn't sit well. It could be that the baby is also affected and starts to move. Babies move a lot when they are unconfortable. It could be from you not drinkling enough water or what you drink is too cold or eating something that is too salty???
Try to see what you eat or drink before you start feeling this way, your body and baby might be sensitive to it.
Hope you feel better,
G., doula



answers from Las Cruces on

Try to eat a few hours before you go to bed I was having the same problem a few weeks ago I am 38 weeks right now. The doctor gave me some Phenagren it is an anti nausea med and it makes me sleepy. It is safe for the baby and it helped me get to sleep even though he was wide awake. I also masssaged my belly when he was really active we would play for a little while then I would rub my stomach with some lotion and he usually calmed down. They are learning in there and you can interact with them treat him like a newborn soothing voices and play just like when they come out.



answers from Albuquerque on

My daughter was very active in the womb. Bananas have triptophan in them (just like turkey), so maybe you could try eating turkey or a banana before bed?!

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