While it is completely counterintuitive, you must eat. And by that, I mean graze all the time. Keeping things that will absorb the acids in your stomach is key to minimizing the nausea. (That's where the notion of saltine crackers comes in)
With my first two children, (I was 20 and 21) I was ill-informed, had no support group and had no clue how to manage. I puked my way through both pregnancies. With my second two children, I was 33 and 36. I had great support, information and wonderful doctors. That nausea hit me before I was sure that I was expecting. But, I never had to throw up to get past it. I grazed on crackers and cheeses. You will also find several foods to be non-offensive. For me, it was macaroni and cheese as well as potatoes. Beef, I found to be revolting, but could eat fish and chicken.
Another key is the timing of when to take your prenatal vitamins. It is NOT to stop taking them. You and your baby need those. Habit, I suppose, dictates that we take them in the morning. I find all multi-vitamins to be offensive to my stomach, but prenatals are even more so. If there is a time of day when you are able to eat better than others, for me it was immediately after work, (my husband loved it - I came in the door preparing dinner) that is when you should take your vitamin - with the food. It helps tremendously.
Best wishes to you, and for excitement in your anticipated arrival!