I CD my kids too, and thought about spending some $ on trianing pants for my son around that age. They can be nearly as expensive as cloth diapers, and given that you will (hopefully) only use them for a month or less, that seemed silly to me. IMHO if you're using them for longer than this, your child is still not ready or you aren't reinforcing the good habit well enough.
Instead I decided on the following approach -- which worked great and was cheap. I went to Target and got some of the Gerber training pants WITHOUT the waterproof cover. (they're cheap enough that you could get the ones with the cover for this too, but read on). We use Motherease Airflow covers on our dipes, so I just threw a cover over the trainers. Or if we were in the house, he could just wear the trainers with no pants over them, so it was obvious when he had an accident.
Anyway, he took about 2 weeks to be potty trained, and then something "clicked" in his brain and he didn't have accidents any more. We still put a cover on when going out of the house (b/c he would get distracted and forget to go) for another couple weeks, but we were able to just remove the covers and then he could wear the trainers as "big boy underpants" for a full year before outgrowing them. Anyway, my point is, by not having the waterproof cover as part of them, they were sufficiently "grown up" that he was thrilled to wear them. We didn't let him have any until we had a better-than-50% "hit rate" with the potty, though.