I would just tell him.... I was curious and the search got the best of me but it does not excuse the sneeking. It is wrong and you need to figure out together what the missing link is between the twoof you but make sure he knows you are hurt and dissapointed in him and she needs to get ot of the picture completely or it could cause severe damge to your relationship...
I'm so sorry to hear about your relationship status,although I am somewhat going through the same thing.My spouse and I have been together for 8 years.And I'm completely devoted to him,all his needs,and still he talks to women on his cell phone.He really don't try to hide it.Although sometimes he does.I have got certain feelings at times,and went through his text messages.And it was heartbreaking to see what I had seen. Sexually explicit,and some weren't.He knows that it breaks my heart that he even has a friendship between these women.And I don't know if it is because he don't want to huirt her feelings,or what?But I can't see him choosing to hurt me over that other wench????I'm at a crossroad....He's my world.But I refuse to be hurt time and time again,when it can be stopped by his actions.I know he loves me,but I don't think it's enough at times....We have 2 children together,and that would break their heart if they even had a clue the pain that I endure from him....
i have had a lot about Mama Jaja and her good works in bringing back lost relationships and restoring life, but i never believe in spell casters to get back my husband who left me and three kids over three months ago. so a good friend of mine introduced me to mama jaja spell just because my condition was so bad and the responsibilities on my head were more than me. my husband left me for another woman just because he doesn’t love me anymore. so i email mama jaja and told her everything, she told me not to worry that my husband will come back. she only told me to believe in her that after casting the spell my husband will come back immediately and beg for forgiveness. mama jaja actually did it for me and my husband came back to me within two days. i am very happy and all thanks goes to mama jaja. I promised mama jaja that i will share this testimony to every one if she make me to be happy with my husband again. and she also did it, as I’m sharing this testimony to every one out here. Now i am the happiest woman on earth because mama jaja restored my marriage with.
[email protected]
Hello friends! My Name is Wendy from Canada i have had a lot about DR MACK about his good work, for bringing back lost relationship but i never believe because so many spell caster scam me because of my husband who left me and three kids over a year and two months. so a good friend of mine introduce me to Dr Mack just because my condition was so bad and the responsibility in my matrimonial home was more than me. my husband left me to another woman just because i don’t have male child for him. so i email DR Mack and told him everything, he told me not to worry that my husband will come back and i will have a male child for him. he only told me to believe on him that after casting the spell my husband will come back immediately and beg for forgiveness. he really did it for me and my husband come back to me in the nest two days. i was very happy and thanks dr Mack. his email address is dr.mack201 AT (gmail) com
I will forever be indebted to the great Doctor Tebe for fixing my broken marriage after my husband left me for his mistress for 6 months. I never believed in spells until my friend introduced me to him. At first, I was skeptical about him because I heard a lots about false spell casters but I put my doubts behind me for i was desperate to get my husband back and I did according to what he instructed me to do. Now my husband is back just within 48 hours of contacting him. I’m living happily with my husband again after 6 months of divorce and I will not rest till he’s known all over the world. He’s also specialize in money spells, lottery spells, sickness spells E.T.C. Get connected with Doctor Tebe now, his email is drtebe2@gmail. com or WhatsApp on +2348140544262 or Website: https://drtebespiritualhome.000webhostapp.com/sendmail.php
First of all, THANK YOU to everyone that responded. I received a great many more responses than I was ever hoping for. I really appreciate all of your support, sympathy, and advice. Things are going to be rough, but it’ll turn out okay. I sent an email to that other woman and told her to leave my husband alone (she responded by apologizing and vowing never to talk to him again), and DH actually confessed to me about it before I got the chance to bring it up. He told me he deleted his Facebook account and the email address he had used to talk to other women, so now that other woman has no way to contact him anyway. We’re also going to see our bishop. We previously went to counseling and that helped a lot, but we can’t afford it anymore, so hopefully seeing our religious leader will be the next best thing. I told him he needs to be faithful or it’s over, and he said he’s willing to do all he can to keep me by his side. We do have a wonderful marriage–there’s really no neglect or absence of showing love by either side. I hope and pray that things will improve and we will be happier than we ever were. Thanks again for all of your help.